
Bioscience Method 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 76-88 77 The primary aim of this study is to offer a comprehensive understanding of microbial interactions within engineered Synthetic Communities (SynComs) at the microscopic level. It delves into the molecular and genetic mechanisms that govern these interactions, the influence of environmental factors, and the advanced tools and techniques used to study these systems. Additionally, the report showcases the practical applications of SynComs in agriculture, medicine, and environmental management, illustrating their potential to address significant challenges in these fields. By synthesizing current knowledge and identifying gaps, this report aims to guide future research and development in SynComs, contributing to more effective and sustainable global solutions. It integrates insights from multiple disciplines to provide a holistic perspective on the current state and future directions of SynCom research, highlighting the potential of these engineered communities to advance our understanding of microbial interactions and inform their practical design and application. 1 Microbial Interactions: An Overview 1.1 Types of microbial interactions Microbial interactions encompass a variety of relationships that significantly influence the structure and function of microbial communities. Mutualism describes interactions where both species benefit, such as certain gut bacteria producing vitamins for their human host while receiving a conducive environment and nutrients in return (Heinken and Thiele, 2015).Commensalism occurs when one species benefits without affecting the other. For instance, some bacteria in microbial mats benefit from the oxygen produced by cyanobacteria without influencing the cyanobacteria (Sieuwerts, 2016). Competition arises when both species are harmed by the struggle for the same resources, such as soil bacteria competing for nutrients and space, which limits their growth (Hoek et al., 2016).Predation involves one species benefiting at the expense of another, like protozoa preying on bacteria in various environments (Kuppardt-Kirmse and Chatzinotas, 2020).Parasitism occurs when one species benefits while harming the other, as seen in pathogenic bacteria that exploit host resources, leading to diseases such as tuberculosis.Amensalism is characterized by one species being harmed while the other is unaffected, exemplified by the production of antibiotics by some bacteria that inhibit the growth of other bacterial species (Xu, 2020). 1.2 Natural versus engineered microbial communities Natural microbial communities are complex and dynamic systems where interactions among species and with their environment shape community structure and function. These communities are found in diverse environments such as soil, water, and the human gut, where they perform essential ecological roles like nutrient cycling, decomposition, and disease suppression (Eng and Borenstein, 2019). Engineered microbial communities, or synthetic microbial communities (SynComs), are intentionally designed and constructed to achieve specific functions that natural communities may not efficiently perform. These communities are created using principles from synthetic biology and genetic engineering to introduce desired traits and interactions. SynComs have applications in agriculture (e.g., promoting plant growth), medicine (e.g., treating infections with probiotic communities), and environmental biotechnology (e.g., bioremediation) (Tsoi et al., 2019). Natural communities exhibit robustness and resilience due to their evolutionary adaptation to specific environments. In contrast, engineered communities can be tailored to perform novel functions but may require careful management to maintain stability and prevent undesirable shifts in community composition (Karkaria et al., 2020). 1.3 Importance of understanding microbial interactions at the microscopic level Understanding microbial interactions at the microscopic level is crucial for gaining insights into the fundamental processes that govern microbial life. Mechanistic insights into these interactions reveal the molecular pathways and genetic expressions that facilitate communication and resource exchange among microbes, essential for manipulating these interactions in both natural and engineered systems (Abreu and Taga, 2016).