
Bioscience Method 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 66-75 74 The integration of doubled haploid technology and genetic engineering holds great promise for the future of cassava breeding. While significant progress has been made in understanding and optimizing DH techniques in other crops, the application in cassava is still in its nascent stages. Continued research and collaboration among scientists will be crucial in overcoming the current limitations and fully realizing the potential of these innovative breeding techniques. The advancements in DH technology and genome editing not only offer opportunities for rapid genetic improvement in cassava but also provide valuable insights into the fundamental processes of plant reproduction and breeding. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in meeting the growing demand for improved cassava varieties adapted to changing environmental conditions and agricultural challenges. Acknowledgments Authors sincerely thank all the experts and scholars who reviewed the manuscript of this study. Their valuable comments and suggestions have contributed to the improvement of this study. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Reference Amelework A., and Bairu M., 2022. Advances in genetic analysis and breeding of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): a review, Plants, 11: 17. Baguma J., Kawuki R., Mukasa S., Buttibwa M., Nalela P., Eyokia M., Oshaba B., Lentini Z., and Baguma Y., 2019a, Exploring the induction of doubled haploids in cassava through gynogenesis, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10: 59. Baguma J., Mukasa S., Kawuki R., Tugume A., Buttibwa M., Nalela P., Eyokia M., Oshaba B., Ceballos H., Lentini Z., and Baguma Y., 2019b, Fruit set and plant regeneration in cassava following interspecific pollination with castor bean, African Crop Science Journal, 27(1): 99-118. Bhowmik P., and Bilichak A., 2021, Advances in gene editing of haploid tissues in crops, Genes, 12: 10. Chaikam V., Molenaar W., Melchinger A., and Boddupalli P., 2019, Doubled haploid technology for line development in maize: technical advances and prospects, tag, theoretical and applied genetics, Theoretische Und Angewandte Genetik, 132: 3227-3243. Hooghvorst I., and Nogués S., 2020a, Chromosome doubling methods in doubled haploid and haploid inducer-mediated genome-editing systems in major crops, Plant Cell Reports, 40: 255-270. Hooghvorst I., and Nogués S., 2020b, Opportunities and challenges in doubled haploids and haploid inducer-mediated genome-editing systems in cucurbits, Agronomy, 9: 41. Lantos C., Jancsó M., Székely Á., Nagy É., Szalóki T., and Pauk J., 2022, Improvement of anther culture to integrate doubled haploid technology in temperate rice (Oryza sativa L.) breeding, Plants, 11: 46. Lentini Z., González Á., Tabares E., Buitrago M., and Wędzony M., 2020, Studies on gynogenesis induction in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) unpollinated ovule culture, Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 365. Li J., Cheng D., Guo S., Yang Z., Chen M., Chen C., Jiao Y., Li W., Liu C., Zhong Y., Qi X., Yang J., and Chen S., 2020, Genomic selection to optimize doubled haploid-based hybrid breeding in maize, BioRxiv, 11: 673-675. Liu C., Zhong Y., Qi X., Chen M., Liu Z., Chen C., Tian X., Li J., Jiao Y., Wang D., Wang Y., Li M., Xin M., Liu W., Jin W., and Chen S., 2019, Extension of the in vivo haploid induction system from diploid maize to hexaploid wheat, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 18: 316-318. Mabuza L., Mchunu N., Crampton B., and Swanevelder D., 2023, Accelerated breeding for Helianthus annuus (sunflower) through doubled haploidy: an insight on past and future prospects in the era of genome editing, Plants, 12: 85. Niazian M., and Shariatpanahi M., 2020, In vitro-based doubled haploid production: recent improvements, Euphytica, 216: 7.