
Bioscience Method 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 58-65 64 6 Conclusion The systematic review of the literature on technological innovation in disease detection and management in sugarcane planting reveals a significant impact on the industry. Biotechnological advancements have been pivotal in addressing the challenges faced by sugarcane agriculture, such as the crop's narrow gene pool, complex genome, and long breeding cycles. The creation of transgenic plants with improved agronomic traits, advances in genomics, and molecular markers have been notable achievements in this field. Furthermore, the integration of information technology has revolutionized biotechnological research, enabling scientists to collect comprehensive data and utilize molecular tools to enhance sugarcane breeding programs. Disease management strategies have also evolved, with a focus on developing high-yielding, disease-resistant varieties as the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach. The sequencing of the sugarcane genome and the use of marker-assisted selection are expected to become routine components of successful variety development programs. Additionally, the resilience of sugarcane to abiotic stresses, such as climate change, is being enhanced through biotechnological interventions and the development of climate-resilient varieties. The future outlook for the development of more resilient sugarcane crops is promising. With the world population increasing and the demand for sugarcane-derived products rising, there is a pressing need for continued innovation. Genetic modification and biotechnological approaches are expected to play a crucial role in improving biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, thereby improving the value and sustainability of the crop. The integration of production technologies and the development of new sugarcane varieties tailored to specific environmental conditions will be essential in increasing farmers' income and ensuring the profitability and sustainability of the sugar industry. In conclusion, technological innovations have had a profound impact on the sugarcane industry, improving disease detection and management, and enhancing crop resilience. The continued advancement of biotechnological tools and the integration of these technologies into breeding programs are expected to drive the development of more robust and productive sugarcane varieties, securing the future of the industry in the face of global challenges. Funding This project was funded by the Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resources under the contract for the research project "Screening and Breeding of Sugarcane Resources" (Grant No. H20230101). Reference Daphal S.D., and Koli S.M., 2021, Transfer learning approach to sugarcane foliar disease classification with state-of-the-art sugarcane database, In 2021 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications (ICCICA), IEEE, pp.1-4. PMid:38624463 Hoarau J.Y., Dumont T., Wei X., Jackson P., and D'Hont A., 2021, Applications of quantitative genetics and statistical analyses in sugarcane breeding, Sugar Tech, 24: 320-340. Iqbal A., Khan R.S., Khan M.A., Gul K., Jalil F., Shah D.A., Rahman H., and Ahmed T., 2021, Genetic engineering approaches for enhanced insect pest resistance in sugarcane, Molecular Biotechnology, 63(7): 557-568. PMid:33893996 Krishna S., Chandar S., Ravi M., Valarmathi R., Lakshmi K., Prathima P., Manimekalai R., Viswanathan R., Hemaprabha G., and Appunu C., 2023, Transgene-free genome editing for biotic and abiotic stress resistance in sugarcane: prospects and challenges, Agronomy, 13(4): 1000. Kotekan A., Kakaraddi V., and Jamakhandi A., 2023, Diseases identification using ConvNet in sugarcane crops, In 2023 International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology for Sustainable Development (ICRAIS), IEEE, pp.266-270.