
Bioscience Method 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 58-65 61 various institutional actors, including sugar and ethanol mills, industrial goods suppliers, public and private research institutions, and governmental agencies. This system has been instrumental in developing a trajectory of technological advancements that have led to the production of low-cost bioethanol with low greenhouse gas emissions, positioning Brazil as a global leader in sugarcane bioethanol production (Iqbal et al., 2021). 3.2 Impact of technology on sugarcane yield and disease management in India In India, integrated disease management (IDM) practices have shown a positive impact on sugarcane yield and quality. Field experiments conducted at the Sugarcane Research Station in Nayagarh, Orissa, demonstrated that IDM practices resulted in significant improvements in yield, germination, millable cane per hectare, average cane weight, and sucrose content. Additionally, there was a notable reduction in Grassy Shoot Disease incidence. These findings underscore the economic viability and practical feasibility of IDM practices in enhancing sugarcane production in India (Racedo et al., 2023). Another study conducted at the IISR institute farm in Lucknow focused on IDM strategies for red rot disease in sugarcane. The study revealed that IDM practices not only reduced red rot incidence but also enhanced growth parameters and quality attributes of sugarcane compared to non-integrated disease management practices. The use of IDM practices led to improvements in various yield and quality parameters in both plant and ratoon crops, highlighting the benefits of IDM in controlling red rot and improving the overall health and productivity of sugarcane. 3.3 Case study of integrated disease management approaches in Australia The Australian sugarcane industry has faced challenges with diseases such as smut and orange rust. However, the industry has responded with the development of disease-resistant varieties and the incorporation of new technologies in disease control strategies. The adoption of green technologies, such as in vitro propagation, has provided opportunities for the development of novel varieties with disease resistance and improved potential for cane yield and sugar recovery. These advancements have been crucial in managing existing diseases and combating emerging threats to the industry (Hoarau et al., 2021). In addition to breeding and variety selection programs, the Australian sugarcane industry has also benefited from the use of image processing techniques for disease detection. Research on the effectiveness of image processing and computer vision techniques for detecting diseases in sugarcane plants has shown promise in improving disease management practices (Figure 1). These technologies enable rapid and early detection of diseases, which is essential for implementing timely and effective control measures. Overall, the case studies from Brazil, India, and Australia demonstrate the significant impact of technological innovation on disease detection and management in sugarcane planting. The adoption of precision agriculture, integrated disease management practices, and advanced imaging techniques has led to improvements in yield, quality, and sustainability of sugarcane production in these countries. 4 Integration of Technology and Farmer Practices 4.1 Education and training for farmers The integration of technology in disease detection and management in sugarcane planting necessitates the education and training of farmers. As advanced methods of plant disease detection evolve, including DNA-based and serological methods, farmers must be trained to understand and utilize these tools effectively. The use of machine learning techniques over UAV multispectral images for the detection of white leaf disease in sugarcane is a prime example of technological advancement that requires a certain level of technical knowledge for operation and interpretation (Narmilan et al., 2022). Furthermore, the application of image processing techniques for disease detection in sugarcane leaves indicates a shift towards more sophisticated agricultural practices that farmers need to be acquainted with.