
Bioscience Method 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 50-57 56 In the field of drug research and development, the potential of cryo-electron microscopy is enormous. With continuous advancements in technology, the resolution and imaging speed of cryo-electron microscopy will improve, allowing for more detailed observations of the interactions between drugs and biomolecules. Additionally, with the integration of multi-omics data and the application of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, cryo-electron microscopy will be able to provide more comprehensive and accurate information, offering more efficient and reliable tools for drug discovery and design. More importantly, the application of cryo-electron microscopy in the field of drug research is gradually expanding. It is used not only for analyzing drug mechanisms but also plays a significant role in drug screening, optimization, and quality control. With cryo-electron microscopy, potential drug candidates can be quickly screened, their interactions with biomolecules assessed, and directions for subsequent research provided. Cryo-electron microscopy can also be used to study the distribution and metabolism of drugs within cells, providing important data for the evaluation of drug efficacy and safety. In the future, cryo-electron microscopy is expected to continue playing a significant role in the field of drug research. On one hand, with ongoing innovations and upgrades, cryo-electron microscopy will continually enhance its imaging quality and resolution, providing more in-depth and detailed information about drug mechanisms. On the other hand, as the needs and complexities of drug development increase, cryo-electron microscopy will be integrated with other technologies to form a more complete and efficient drug development system. It is believed that in the near future, cryo-electron microscopy will bring more breakthroughs and innovations to the field of drug research and development, making a more significant contribution to human health. Reference Angel R.C., and Marta C., 2019, Editorial: Technical advances in cryo-electron microscopy, Front. Mol. Biosci., 6: 22. Cheng Y., 2018, Single-particle cryo-EM - How did it get here and where will it go., Science, 361: 876. Clare D.K., Siebert C.A., Hecksel C., Hagen C., Mordhorst V., and Grange M., 2017, Zhang electron bio-imaging centre (eBIC): the UK national research facility for biological electron microscopy, P. Acta Crystallogr. D Struct. Biol., 73(6): 488-495. Daniel L., and José R.C., 2020, Cryo-electron microscopy for the study of virus assembly, Nature Chemical Biology, 16: 231-239. Hutchings J., Stancheva V., Miller E.A., and Zanetti G., 2018, Subtomogram averaging of COPII assemblies reveals how coat organization dictates membrane shape, Nat. Commun., 9: 4154. Kondylis P., Schlicksup C.J., Zlotnick A., and Jacobson S.C., 2019, Analytical techniques to characterize the structure, properties, and assembly of virus capsids, Anal. Chem., 91: 622-636. LiuY.,HuynhD.T.andYeatesT.O.A.,2019, Åresolutioncryo-EMstructureofasmallproteinboundtoanimagingscaffold,Nat.Commun.,10:1864. Michael J.R., Justin G.M., and Georgios S., 2021, Drug discovery in the era of cryo-electron microscopy, Treeds in Biochemical Sciences, 47(2): 124-135. Nannenga B.L., and Gonen T., 2018, MicroED: a versatile cryoEM method for structure determination, Emerg. Top. Life Sci., 2: 1-8. Radostin D., Haruaki Y., and Masahide K., 2019, Cryo-electron microscopy methodology: current aspects and future directions, Treeds in Biochemical Sciences, 44(10): 837-848. Sara S., Kaustuv B., Ali F., Aliakbar A., Muneyoshi I., John F.P., Khanh H.B., Mohammad R.E., Hojatollah V., and Morteza M., 2021, Nanoscale characterization of the biomolecular corona by cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, and image simulation, Nature Communications, 12: 573. Twarock R., and Stockley P.G., 2019, RNA-mediated virus assembly: Mechanisms and consequences for viral evolution and therapy, Annu. Rev. Biophys., 48: 495-514.