
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 143-153 148 Figure 2 Designed genetic pathway and growth of transgenic E. coli strains with different inorganic carbon sources (Adopted from Lo et al., 2021) Image caption: (a) Pathway map of CO2 assimilation enzymes related to this study. The heterologously expressed enzymes are marked in red. AclBA, ATP-dependent citrate lyase; KorAB, α-ketoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase; FrdABC/SdhCAB, fumarate reductase. Blue arrows represent TCA cycle activities contributed by E. coli genes; arrowheads indicate oxidative (clockwise) or reductive (counter-clockwise) activities; blue/red activity lines are oxidative direction only for E. coli enzymes or reversible for cloned C. tepidumenzymes. (b) DNA cassettes used to construct the expression plasmid pGETS-KAFS, which encodes the korAB, aclBA, frdABC, and sdhCAB genes from C. tepidum. (c) Anaerobic growth curves of transgenic E. coli strains with CO2 or bicarbonate present in glucose culture medium. Data are expressed as the means ± standard deviations, n = 3 independent biological samples (Adopted from Lo et al., 2021)