
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 172-183 178 (Brazier et al., 2020; Larsen et al., 2021). Additionally, the increased habitat complexity and biodiversity resulting from beaver activities can enhance ecosystem services such as pollination, pest control, and carbon sequestration (Lacher et al., 2019). Figure 3 The influence of beaver activity on the geomorphology of incised streams (Adopted from Brazier et al., 2020) Image caption: (a) low-flow damming of confined channels with high-flow blowouts causes overtopping, bank widening, and excavation of the channel bed; (b) sediment becomes more mobile and the channel reconfigures with vegetation establishment; (c) channel widening reduces high-flow peak stream power and this provides suitable conditions for wider, more stable dams; (d) sediment accumulates in ponds and raises the height of the channel with dams overtopped and small blow-outs occurring where dams are abandoned; (e) process repeats until dams are rebuilt, channel widens and the water table rises sufficiently to reconnect river channel to the floodplain; and (f) high heterogeneity occurs with vegetation and sediment communities establishing themselves, multi-threaded channels and ponds increase reserves of surface water and dams and dead wood reduce flows and provide wetland habitats (Adopted from Brazier et al., 2020) In summary, beavers significantly influence soil composition, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem health through their dam-building activities. Their presence benefits both agricultural lands and forest ecosystems by enhancing soil stability, nutrient availability, and biodiversity. 8 Climate Change Mitigation 8.1 Carbon sequestration in beaver wetlands Beaver wetlands play a significant role in carbon sequestration, which is a critical process for mitigating climate change. The construction of beaver dams leads to the creation of wetlands that can store substantial amounts of