
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 161-171 167 Furthermore, the integration of data assimilation techniques into snowpack models has enhanced the ability to predict snowpack dynamics and their impact on water resources. The use of ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) schemes to assimilate ground-based and remotely sensed snow observations has shown promise in improving model simulations and providing more reliable predictions for water resource management (Piazzi et al., 2018). The continuous advancements in snowpack measurement and modeling techniques, along with the integration of remote sensing and ground-based observations, are crucial for effective water resource management and understanding the role of snowpack in ecosystem functions. These developments enable more accurate predictions of snowpack dynamics, which are essential for managing water resources in a changing climate. 7 Management Strategies and Policy Implications 7.1 Strategies for sustainable snowpack management Sustainable snowpack management is crucial for maintaining water resources and ecosystem functions, especially in the face of climate change. One effective strategy is the integration of advanced snowpack monitoring technologies, such as blending precipitation gauge data with snow pillow measurements to improve snow water equivalent (SWE) predictions. This approach has been shown to enhance the accuracy of basin-scale snowpack estimates, which is vital for water resource management in mountainous regions. Additionally, improving snow observation networks at high elevations can help better represent precipitation patterns, which is critical for hydrologic modeling (Pelak et al., 2022). Another strategy involves the use of remote sensing technologies to achieve better spatial characterization of snow cover. Combining ground observations with satellite data can provide realistic information on snowpack variability, which is essential for managing water resources in regions like the Mediterranean mountains (Fayad et al., 2017). Furthermore, understanding the role of atmospheric humidity in snowpack ablation can inform management practices. For instance, regions with higher humidity may experience more frequent midwinter melt events, necessitating adjustments in water storage and release schedules (Harpold and Brooks, 2018). 7.2 Policy frameworks supporting snowpack conservation Policy frameworks that support snowpack conservation are essential for mitigating the impacts of climate change on water resources. Policies should focus on enhancing the resilience of snow-dependent water systems by promoting sustainable land use practices and protecting critical snowpack areas. For example, policies that encourage the preservation of forested watersheds can help maintain snowpack depth and duration, which in turn supports soil temperatures and ecosystem functions (Sanders-DeMott et al., 2019). Moreover, policies should incentivize the adoption of advanced monitoring and modeling technologies to improve snowpack predictions and water management. This includes funding for research and development of new technologies, as well as the implementation of comprehensive snow observation networks (Pelak et al., 2022). Additionally, international cooperation and data sharing can enhance the effectiveness of snowpack management policies, particularly in regions that share transboundary water resources. 7.3 Case studies of effective snowpack management policies Several case studies highlight the effectiveness of snowpack management policies. In the western United States, the integration of snow pillow and precipitation gauge data has significantly improved snowpack predictions, leading to better water resource management in the Kings River Basin, California (Pelak et al., 2022). This approach has been instrumental in ensuring sufficient surface water input to meet the combined estimates of natural flow and evapotranspiration in the basin. Another example is the use of remote sensing technologies in the Mediterranean mountains, where combining ground observations with satellite data has provided valuable insights into snowpack variability. This information has been crucial for developing water management strategies that address the specific challenges of the Mediterranean climate (Fayad et al., 2017).