
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 154-160 159 Accumulation of heavy metals in plant parts might have contributed to negative effect of zinc on C. odorata at high concentration of 100 mg/kg. High level of heavy metal in plant tissues might inhibit uptake of essential nutrients for growth and development. In an earlier research, cadmium was found to hinder nutrient transport in rice (Huybrechts et al., 2021). However, the plant’s ability to absorb and accumulate high heavy metal in shoot and root is an indication that it has the potential to clean up heavy metal contaminated soil. This has been confirmed by Islam et al. (2024) that plants with capacity for absorption and sequestration of pollutants from soil can be used for phytoremediation of such contaminants. 5 Conclusion and Recommendations Chromolaena odorata is tolerant to Pb and Zn contamination as it was able to accumulate high concentrations of the metals on its leaf, stem and root with minimal negative effect. Therefore, the plant is recommended for removal of excess Pb and Zn from contaminated soils. However, experiments with plants in pots can be beset by several often-unrecognized shortcomings. There is therefore, a need for future research to investigating the mechanisms of Pb and Zn absorption and tolerance in field experiments by imposing higher concentrations of the metals. Authors’ Contributions O. Kekere was the experimental designer, and O. M. Ajayi was the executor of this study; O. M. Ajayi completed data analysis and wrote the first draft of the paper; O. M. Ajayi participated in experimental design and analysis of experimental results; O. Kekere was the project conceptualizer and leader, guiding experimental design, data analysis, paper writing, and revision. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. References Adeyi A.A., and Badalola B.A., 2017, Lead and cadmium levels in residential soils of lagos and Ibadan, Nigeria, Journal of Pollution and Health, 7(13): 42-55. Angon P.B., Islam M.S., Shreejana K.C., Das A., Anjum N., Poudel A., and Suchi S.A., 2024, Sources, effects and present perspectives of heavy metals contamination: soil, plants and human food chain, Heliyon, 10: 1-15. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, AOAC., 1990, Official methods of the analysis of the analytical chemistry. 15 Edition. Vol.2. Published by the AOAC, Inc., Virginia, USA, pp. 69-83. Atagana H.I., 2011, Bioremediation of co-contamination of crude oil and heavy metals in soil by phytoremediation using C. odorata (L) King & H.E. Robinson, Water Air and Soil Pollution, 215: 261-271. Ayesa S.A., Chukwukab K.S., and Odeyemi O.O., 2018, Tolerance of Tithonia diversifolia and C. odorata in heavy metal simulated-polluted soils and three selected dumpsites, Toxicology Reports, 5: 1134-1139. Cetin B., 2016, Investigation of PAHs, PCBs and PCNs in soils around a Heavily Industrialized Area in Kocaeli, Turkey: Concentrations, distributions, sources and toxicological effects, Science of the Total Environment, 560-561: 160-169. FAO., 2015c, FAO statistical pocketbook 2015: world food and agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Statistics. Haq S., Bhatti A.A., Dar Z.A., and Bhat S.A., 2020, Phytoremediation of heavy metals: an eco-friendly and sustainable approach - in book: bioremediation and biotechnology, sustainable approaches to pollution degradation, Bioremediation and Biotechnology, 215-231. Herawati N., Suzuki S., Hayashi K., Rivai I.F., and Koyoma H., 2000, Cadmium, copper and zinc levels in rice and soil of Japan, Indonesia and China by soil type, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 64: 33-39. Huybrechts M., Hendrix S., Kyndt T., Demeestere K., Vandamme D., and Cuypers A., 2021, Short-term effects of cadmium on leaf growth and nutrient transport in rice plants Plant Science, 313: 111054. Islam M.M., Saxena N., and Sharma D., 2024, Phytoremediation as a green and sustainable prospective method for heavy metal contamination: a review, Royal Society of Chemistry Sustainability, 2: 1269-1288.