
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 143-153 151 bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) and MES can further enhance the efficiency and scalability of these processes, potentially leading to significant reductions in atmospheric CO2 levels. Additionally, the development of robust microbial strains through genetic and metabolic engineering could optimize CO2 fixation rates and product yields, making these technologies economically viable for large-scale deployment. The future of microbial processes in sustainable industrial practices looks promising, with microbial CO2 fixation and conversion technologies poised to play a critical role in addressing climate change and promoting green manufacturing. The continuous advancements in understanding microbial metabolic pathways, coupled with innovations in genetic engineering and bioelectrochemical systems, are likely to drive the development of more efficient and cost-effective CO2 fixation processes. As these technologies mature, they could be integrated into various industrial applications, from biofuel production to the synthesis of high-value chemicals, thereby contributing to a circular carbon economy and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. The collaborative efforts of researchers, industry stakeholders, and policymakers will be essential in realizing the full potential of microbial CO2 fixation technologies and ensuring their successful implementation in sustainable industrial practices. Acknowledgments Sincere thanks to the peer reviewers for their detailed reviews and valuable guidance on this manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Asplund-Samuelsson J., and Hudson E., 2021, Wide range of metabolic adaptations to the acquisition of the Calvin cycle revealed by comparison of microbial genomes, PLoS Computational Biology, 17(2): e1008742. Baumschabl M., Ata Ö., Mitic B., Lutz L., Gassler T., Troyer C., Hann S., and Mattanovich D., 2022, Conversion of CO2 into organic acids by engineered autotrophic yeast, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(47): e2211827119. Benalcázar E., Noorman H., Filho R., and Posada J., 2020, Modeling ethanol production through gas fermentation: a biothermodynamics and mass transfer-based hybrid model for microbial growth in a large-scale bubble column bioreactor, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 13: 1-19. Chen K., He R., Wang L., Liu L., Huang X., Ping J., Huang C., Wang X., and Liu Y., 2021, The dominant microbial metabolic pathway of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil of shale gas field: Carbon fixation instead of CO2 emissions, The Science of the total environment, 807: 151074. Chen X., Wu H., Chen Y., Liao J., Zhang W., and Jiang M., 2023, Recent advancements and strategies of improving CO2 utilization efficiency in bio-succinic acid production, Fermentation, 9(11): 967. Dangel A., and Tabita F., 2015, CbbR, the master regulator for microbial carbon dioxide fixation, Journal of Bacteriology, 197: 3488-3498. Ferone M., Raganati F., Olivieri G., and Marzocchella A., 2019, Bioreactors for succinic acid production processes, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 39: 571-586. Ghimire A., Frunzo L., Pirozzi F., Trably E., Escudié R., Lens P., and Esposito G., 2015, A review on dark fermentative biohydrogen production from organic biomass: Process parameters and use of by-products, Applied Energy, 144: 73-95. Gong F., Zhu H., Zhou J., Zhao T., Xiao L., Zhang Y., and Li Y., 2019, Enhanced biological fixation of CO2 using microorganisms, In: Aresta M., Karimi I., Kawi S. (eds) An Economy Based on Carbon Dioxide and Water. Springer, Cham, pp.359-378. Hidese R., Matsuda M., Kajikawa M., Osanai T., Kondo A., and Hasunuma T., 2022, Metabolic and microbial community engineering for four-carbon dicarboxylic acid production from CO2-derived glycogen in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, ACS Synthetic Biology, 11(12): 4054-4064. Hu G., Song W., Gao C., Guo L., Chen X., and Liu L., 2022, Advances in synthetic biology of CO2 fixation by heterotrophic microorganisms, Sheng wu gong cheng xue bao = Chinese journal of biotechnology, 38(4): 1339-1350.