
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 93-97 97 5 Access the Full Text Bird, M.I., Brand, M., Comley, R. et al. Late Pleistocene emergence of an anthropogenic fire regime in Australia’s tropical savannahs. Nat. Geosci. 17, 233-240 (2024). Acknowledgement The authors express their sincere gratitude to Nature magazine for its open access policy, which allows free access, reading, commentary, and sharing of the outstanding paper "Bird, M.I., Brand, M., Comley, R. et al. Late Pleistocene emergence of an anthropogenic fire regime in Australia’s tropical savannahs." This initiative not only broadens the channels for disseminating scientific knowledge but also provides a valuable academic resource for researchers, students, and science enthusiasts worldwide. Nature magazine, through its philosophy of openness and sharing, has significantly advanced the development of science and deepened the public's understanding and interest in scientific research, for which we express our appreciation and gratitude.