
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 93-97 95 Figure 3 Relationships between fire and vegetation indices at Girraween lagoon Figure 4 shows histograms of Spearman's correlation coefficient for the relationship between fire and vegetation indices at Girraween Lagoon. Panel a illustrates the resampled relationship between MARSPAC and PARCHAR under the natural fire regime (>30 ka; red bars) relative to the observed Spearman's ρ for the anthropogenic fire regime (<30 ka; blue vertical dashed line). Panel b does the same for the relationship between the percentage of C4 pollen and δ13CSPAC. The relationships apply only to samples with TOC greater than 5.1%. The probabilities of these results occurring by chance are 0.007 1 for panel a and less than 0.000 2 for panel b, given the threshold combination. The grey shaded regions indicate a ρ less than 0.05. On both panels, the x-axes show the binned value of ρ for the relationship under the natural fire regime across all iterations, while the solid black lines represent the Gaussian probability density function of each histogram. Figure 4 Histograms of Spearman's correlation coefficient for fire and vegetation indices at Girraween lagoon Figure 5 demonstrates the sensitivity of the hypotheses regarding fire and vegetation indices at Girraween Lagoon. Panel a displays the sensitivity to variations in the TOC threshold with a constant temporal split at 30 ka. Panel b shows sensitivity to changes in the temporal split that defines the transition from natural to anthropogenic fire regimes, with a constant TOC threshold of greater than 2%. The green dashed line indicates the probability that