
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 131-142 139 8.2 Potential for new applications and industries The advancements in synthetic biology and enzyme engineering are opening new avenues for the application of biocatalysts across various industries. In the pharmaceutical industry, engineered enzymes are being used to synthesize complex drug molecules with high precision and efficiency, reducing the reliance on traditional chemical synthesis methods (Chen and Arnold, 2020; Mariz et al., 2021). The food industry is also benefiting from these innovations, with precision fermentation techniques enabling the production of high-value food ingredients and additives (Boukid et al., 2023). Additionally, the development of enzymes capable of converting greenhouse gases into valuable products holds promise for environmental sustainability and the creation of a circular economy (Wiltschi et al., 2020). 8.3 Long-term goals for enzyme catalytic efficiency improvement The long-term goals for improving enzyme catalytic efficiency focus on achieving a deeper understanding of the sequence-function relationship and the underlying mechanisms of enzyme catalysis. This includes exploring the role of protein dynamics in catalysis and identifying key residues that contribute to catalytic efficiency (Schafer et al., 2019). By integrating computational and experimental approaches, researchers aim to design enzymes that not only mimic but surpass the catalytic capabilities of natural enzymes. The ultimate objective is to create robust, versatile, and highly efficient biocatalysts that can be deployed in a wide range of industrial processes, contributing to more sustainable and cost-effective production methods (Turner, 2009; Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018; Mariz et al., 2021). 9 Concluding Remarks The application of synthetic biology in directed evolution has significantly advanced the field of enzyme catalysis. Directed evolution, which mimics natural selection, has been instrumental in generating enzymes with enhanced catalytic activities and novel functionalities. Key strategies include exploiting catalytic promiscuity and rational design to create enzymes capable of performing new-to-nature reactions. Advances in ultrahigh-throughput screening (uHTS) have accelerated the identification of improved enzyme variants, overcoming traditional bottlenecks in the screening process. Computational methods have also played a crucial role, enabling the design of enzymes with pre-organized and rigidified active sites, which are essential for efficient catalysis. These combined approaches have led to the development of biocatalysts with significantly enhanced performance, as demonstrated by the evolution of enzymes for specific reactions such as the Knoevenagel condensation. The advancements in directed evolution and synthetic biology hold promising implications for the future. The ability to engineer enzymes with tailored catalytic properties opens up new possibilities for industrial applications, including the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and other valuable chemicals. The integration of computational design with directed evolution is expected to further streamline the development of highly efficient biocatalysts, reducing the time and cost associated with enzyme optimization. Additionally, the exploration of catalytic promiscuity and the creation of artificial enzymes with novel activities will expand the repertoire of biocatalytic transformations, bridging the gap between natural and synthetic chemistry. These advancements will not only enhance the efficiency and sustainability of chemical processes but also contribute to the development of innovative solutions for environmental and biomedical challenges. The impact of enhanced enzyme catalysis through directed evolution and synthetic biology is profound. By harnessing the principles of natural evolution and combining them with modern engineering techniques, researchers have been able to create enzymes with unprecedented catalytic efficiencies and specificities. These advancements have the potential to revolutionize various industries by providing more sustainable and cost-effective alternatives to traditional chemical processes. The continued development and application of these technologies will likely lead to further breakthroughs in biocatalysis, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and innovative future. Acknowledgments The author sincerely thank the two anonymous peer reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions on the manuscript.