
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 93-97 94 Figure 1 Location of Girraween Lagoon Figure 2 150 ka record of environmental change at Girraween Lagoon Figure 3 illustrates the relationships between fire regimes and vegetation indices at Girraween Lagoon. In part a, a more pronounced positive correlation between MARSPAC and PARCHAR is hypothesized for the pre-human natural fire regime compared to the anthropogenic fire regime with lower-intensity fires. Part b shows the relation between the percentage of C4 pollen and δ13CSPAC, where a stronger positive correlation is expected during the anthropogenic fire regime's lower-intensity fires than in the natural fire regime. These correlations apply only when TOC is greater than 5.1%, with the proposed division between natural and anthropogenic periods at 30 ka. The red dashed lines represent the best-fit relationships with uncertainty for the natural fire regime, while the solid blue lines represent those for the anthropogenic fire regimes, with all relationships for the samples detailed in Supplementary Figure 1.