
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 131-142 132 high-throughput screening methods and computational design, which have significantly accelerated the development of improved biocatalysts. Additionally, we will highlight successful case studies where directed evolution has been used to enhance enzyme performance for industrial applications. By examining these advancements, we hope to provide a comprehensive understanding of how synthetic biology can be leveraged to meet the growing demand for efficient and sustainable biocatalysts in various industries. 2 Background and Theoretical Framework 2.1 Principles of synthetic biology Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles from biology, engineering, and computer science to design and construct new biological parts, devices, and systems. It aims to create organisms or biological systems with novel functions that do not exist in nature. This field leverages the modularity of biological systems, allowing for the assembly of standardized biological parts to create complex systems with predictable behaviors. Advances in synthetic biology have enabled the development of new enzymes with enhanced catalytic properties, which are crucial for various biotechnological applications (Prier and Arnold, 2015; Chen and Arnold, 2020). 2.2 Fundamentals of directed evolution Directed evolution is a powerful technique used to mimic the process of natural selection in the laboratory to evolve proteins or nucleic acids toward a user-defined goal. This method involves iterative cycles of mutagenesis and selection to generate and identify variants with desired properties. Directed evolution has been particularly effective in enhancing enzyme catalytic efficiency and developing new catalytic activities. By creating genetic diversity through random mutagenesis and employing high-throughput screening or selection methods, researchers can identify enzyme variants with improved or novel functions (Porter et al., 2016; Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018; Otten et al., 2020). This approach has been instrumental in expanding the catalytic repertoire of enzymes, enabling them to perform reactions that are not naturally occurring (Turner, 2009; Leveson-Gower et al., 2019). 2.3 Key concepts in enzyme catalysis and efficiency Enzyme catalysis involves the acceleration of chemical reactions by enzymes, which are biological catalysts. The efficiency of an enzyme is determined by its ability to lower the activation energy of a reaction, thereby increasing the reaction rate. Key factors influencing enzyme efficiency include substrate specificity, turnover number (k_cat), and the Michaelis constant (K_m). Advances in protein engineering, particularly through directed evolution, have allowed for the fine-tuning of these parameters to enhance enzyme performance (Savile et al., 2010; Markel et al., 2019; Planas-Iglesias et al., 2021). Catalytic promiscuity, the ability of an enzyme to catalyze multiple distinct reactions, is another important concept that has been exploited to design enzymes with new-to-nature activities (Leveson-Gower et al., 2019). By stabilizing reaction intermediates and optimizing active site configurations, researchers can create enzymes with enhanced catalytic properties and broaden their applicability in industrial and pharmaceutical processes (Otten et al., 2020). 3 Methods in Directed Evolution 3.1 Random mutagenesis techniques Random mutagenesis is a cornerstone of directed evolution, allowing for the generation of genetic diversity without prior knowledge of the enzyme's structure. Techniques such as error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling are commonly used. Error-prone PCR reduces the fidelity of DNA polymerase to introduce random mutations throughout the gene of interest. This method is highly efficient for constructing diverse mutagenesis libraries, which can then be screened for desired traits (Labrou, 2009; Shao et al., 2017). For instance, in situ error-prone PCR (is-epPCR) has been developed to improve the efficiency of constructing mutation libraries, allowing for direct transformation into competent cells and accumulation of desired mutations through multiple rounds. DNA shuffling involves the random fragmentation and reassembly of a pool of related genes, facilitating homologous recombination and the creation of new gene variants. This method has been shown to significantly enhance