
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 122-130 127 climatic conditions. 5 Discussion Research has identified several key genes that contribute significantly to maize adaptability under various climatic conditions. For instance, the Dwarf8 (D8idp) gene has been associated with flowering time variation, which is crucial for maize adaptation to temperate climates. The deletion allele of D8idp is linked to earlier flowering, which is advantageous in temperate regions with shorter growing seasons (Camus-Kulandaivelu et al., 2006). Additionally, genomic studies have highlighted the role of polygenic architectures in rapid environmental adaptation. Specific alleles have been shown to shift in frequency in response to selection pressures, contributing to phenotypic changes such as reduced flowering time (Wisser et al., 2019). Furthermore, genes involved in drought and cold tolerance, plant defense, and starch properties have been identified as critical for maize adaptation through admixture and selection processes (Brandenburg et al., 2017). Maize performance under varying climatic conditions is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Studies have shown that maize can adapt to a wide range of altitudinal and climatic conditions, surpassing those of its wild ancestor, teosinte (Corral et al., 2008). The adaptation mechanisms include changes in phenology, such as shortened days to anthesis and anthesis period under climate change scenarios, which help mitigate the adverse effects of high temperatures (Moradi et al., 2014). Additionally, transcriptomic responses to low temperatures have revealed differentially expressed genes that contribute to cold tolerance, particularly in the root systems of maize seedlings (Fenza et al., 2017). These genetic adaptations enable maize to maintain productivity and resilience in diverse environmental conditions. The findings from various studies on maize adaptation show both consistencies and differences. Consistently, research highlights the importance of genetic diversity and selection in enhancing maize adaptability. For example, the role of the Dwarf8 gene in flowering time adaptation is supported by multiple studies (Camus-Kulandaivelu et al., 2006; Brandenburg et al., 2017). However, differences arise in the specific genetic mechanisms and environmental factors considered. Some studies focus on the genomic basis of short-term evolution and the role of polygenic architectures (Wisser et al., 2019), while others emphasize the importance of local adaptation and the role of admixture in environmental adaptation (Brandenburg et al., 2017). Additionally, the impact of climate change on maize phenology and yield varies across different regions and scenarios, reflecting the complexity of environmental interactions (Tao and Zhang, 2010; Moradi et al., 2014). The research methods employed in these studies have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Genomic and transcriptomic analyses provide detailed insights into the genetic basis of adaptation, allowing for the identification of specific genes and alleles involved (Fenza et al., 2017; Wisser et al., 2019). However, these methods can be resource-intensive and may not capture the full complexity of environmental interactions. Simulation models, such as those used to predict climate change impacts on maize growth and yield, offer valuable projections and adaptation strategies (Tao and Zhang, 2010; Moradi et al., 2014). Yet, these models rely on assumptions and may not fully account for local variations and unforeseen climatic events. Field experiments and phenotypic evaluations provide practical insights but can be limited by environmental variability and the scale of study (Camus-Kulandaivelu et al., 2006). The practical application of these research findings lies in the breeding of maize varieties with enhanced adaptability to diverse climatic conditions. Breeding programs can leverage the identified key genes, such as Dwarf8 and those involved in drought and cold tolerance, to develop varieties that are better suited to specific environments (Camus-Kulandaivelu et al., 2006; Brandenburg et al., 2017). The use of genomic selection and marker-assisted breeding can accelerate the development of these adaptable varieties, ensuring food security in the face of climate change (Guo, 2024). To improve maize stress resistance, breeding strategies should focus on both genetic and phenotypic traits. Incorporating genes associated with stress tolerance, such as those identified in transcriptomic studies, can enhance resilience to abiotic stresses like drought and low temperatures (Fenza et al., 2017). Additionally,