
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 122-130 124 Figure 1 Selection-by-evaluation matrix of phenotypic responses to selection for early flowering time (Adopted from Choquette et al., 2023) Soil fertility and structure can also impact maize growth. Genetic studies have identified several genes involved in nutrient uptake and stress response, which are crucial for maize adaptation to different soil conditions. 2.3 Current research status of corn's adaptability to climate Recent research has made significant strides in understanding the genetic basis of maize adaptation to various climatic conditions. Studies have identified key genes and genetic networks involved in traits such as flowering time, drought tolerance, and cold tolerance (Camus-Kulandaivelu et al., 2006; Brandenburg et al., 2017; Choquette et al., 2023). Additionally, the role of admixture and genetic diversity in enhancing maize's adaptability has been highlighted, with evidence showing that admixture between different maize populations has contributed to its environmental adaptation (Brandenburg et al., 2017). Advancements in genomic, transcriptomic, and phenomic technologies have greatly enhanced our understanding of maize adaptation. High-throughput sequencing and genotyping have allowed researchers to identify genetic variants associated with adaptive traits (Brandenburg et al., 2017). Experimental evolution and association mapping studies have provided insights into the evolutionary dynamics of maize populations under different environmental conditions (Wisser et al., 2019; Choquette et al., 2023). Furthermore, the use of crop growth models and climate simulations has enabled the prediction of maize performance under future climate scenarios, aiding in the development of climate-resilient maize varieties. 3 Research Methods 3.1 Sample selection The selection of corn varieties for this study was based on their genetic diversity and adaptability to different climatic conditions. Various studies have highlighted the importance of using a wide range of germplasm to understand the genetic underpinnings of maize adaptation. For instance, a study by Choquette et al. (2023) utilized a common population of tropical origin and performed artificial selection on flowering time across multiple geographical zones. Similarly, Brandenburg et al. (2017) sequenced 67 genomes from European and American maize to document routes of introduction and selective history, targeting germplasm directly derived from landraces to avoid confounding effects of recent breeding. Additionally, Camus-Kulandaivelu et al. (2006) evaluated collections of inbred lines and landraces representative of American and European diversity to investigate the genetic basis of maize adaptation to temperate climates. The experimental areas were chosen to represent a wide range of climatic conditions, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of maize adaptation. For example, Lafitte et al. (1997) conducted experiments in seven tropical