
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 81-92 88 biohydrogen production. By integrating these approaches, it is possible to significantly improve the efficiency and yield of hydrogen production in anaerobic bacterial systems, paving the way for more sustainable and economically viable biohydrogen technologies. 6 Recent Advances and Breakthroughs In recent years, significant advancements have been made in the field of biohydrogen production through the metabolic engineering of anaerobic bacteria. These breakthroughs have been driven by novel genetic modifications, advances in synthetic biology, and the integration of omics technologies. 6.1 Novel genetic modifications and their impact The advent of advanced genetic engineering techniques has enabled the development of anaerobic bacteria strains with enhanced capabilities for biohydrogen production. One of the most impactful strategies has been the targeted modification of key genes involved in hydrogen production pathways. For instance, the introduction of mutations in the [FeFe]-hydrogenase gene in Clostridium acetobutylicum has led to strains with significantly higher hydrogen yields due to improved enzyme activity and stability (Kracke et al., 2018). Another notable genetic modification involves the knockout of competing pathways that divert electron flow away from hydrogen production. By inactivating genes responsible for lactate and ethanol formation, researchers have successfully redirected metabolic flux toward hydrogen synthesis, thereby enhancing overall hydrogen yield (Sekoai and Daramola, 2018). 6.2 Advances in synthetic biology Synthetic biology has played a pivotal role in advancing biohydrogen production by enabling the design and construction of novel metabolic pathways and regulatory circuits. Recent developments in this field have focused on creating synthetic operons that combine multiple genes involved in hydrogen production into a single, highly efficient system. These synthetic operons allow for coordinated expression of the entire pathway, resulting in enhanced hydrogen yields under various environmental conditions (Kracke et al., 2018). Additionally, synthetic biology has facilitated the creation of novel biosensors and regulatory elements that can dynamically control gene expression in response to environmental cues. For example, researchers have developed synthetic promoters that are activated by specific metabolic intermediates, ensuring that hydrogen production is maximized only when the conditions are optimal (Jia et al., 2021). 6.3 Integration of omics technologies The integration of omics technologies—genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics—has revolutionized the study of biohydrogen production by providing comprehensive insights into the complex networks of genes, proteins, and metabolites involved in the process. These technologies have enabled researchers to identify key genetic and metabolic bottlenecks that limit hydrogen production and to develop targeted strategies to overcome these challenges. Genomics: Advanced genomic techniques have been used to sequence the genomes of hydrogen-producing bacteria, allowing for the identification of genes involved in hydrogen metabolism and the discovery of novel hydrogenases with unique properties. This has provided a foundation for the rational design of engineered strains with improved hydrogen production capabilities (Tang et al., 2021). Proteomics: Proteomic analyses have revealed the expression levels and post-translational modifications of hydrogenases and other enzymes involved in hydrogen production. This information is crucial for understanding how these enzymes are regulated and how their activity can be enhanced through genetic or environmental manipulation (Lee et al., 2019). Metabolomics: Metabolomic profiling has provided insights into the flux of metabolites through hydrogen production pathways, identifying key intermediates that can be targeted for optimization. This has led to the development of engineered strains with improved metabolic efficiency and higher hydrogen yields (Zhu et al., 2021).