
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 69-80 72 3.3 Factors influencing energy flow Several factors influence energy flow in African savannas, including climate, soil fertility, and water availability. Climate change and elevated CO2 levels are expected to impact ecosystem structure and function, potentially leading to woody encroachment and changes in carbon storage (Ferreira et al., 2022). Rainfall seasonality also plays a crucial role, affecting soil biodiversity, litter production, and decomposition rates, which in turn influence nutrient cycling and energy flow (Ma et al., 2020). Human activities, such as agricultural land use and fire management, have significant impacts on energy flow in savanna ecosystems. Agricultural practices can reduce plant biodiversity and carbon storage, leading to ecosystem degradation and altered energy dynamics (Catarino and Romeiras, 2020). Fire and herbivory also shape soil arthropod communities and nutrient cycling, with herbivory having more pronounced effects on arthropod abundance, biomass, and diversity (Godlee et al., 2021). These human-induced changes necessitate flexible adaptation strategies to mitigate their impact on savanna ecosystems (Western et al., 2021). 4 Trophic Dynamics in African Savannas 4.1 Trophic levels and food web structure Trophic levels in African savannas are defined by the hierarchical positions organisms occupy in the food web, starting from primary producers (plants) to apex predators. These levels include primary producers, primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), and tertiary consumers (top predators). The complexity of the food web in these ecosystems is characterized by multiple trophic interactions and pathways, which contribute to the stability and resilience of the ecosystem (Qin et al., 2021). The structure of food webs in African savannas is influenced by various factors, including species diversity, resource availability, and environmental conditions. For instance, stable isotope analysis has revealed the presence of multiple trophic pathways and a long food chain length, indicating a complex and interconnected food web. Furthermore, the emergence of new trophic levels can occur naturally as a strategy for species to avoid competition, further adding to the complexity of the food web (Cropp and Norbury, 2020). 4.2 Herbivory and plant-herbivore interactions Herbivory plays a crucial role in shaping plant communities and ecosystem dynamics in African savannas. Key herbivore species include large mammals such as elephants, giraffes, zebras, and various antelope species. These herbivores exhibit diverse feeding habits, with some being grazers that primarily consume grasses, while others are browsers that feed on leaves, twigs, and bark of woody plants (Pansu et al., 2022). The impact of herbivory on plant communities is significant, as herbivores can reduce the abundance of grasses and trees, thereby influencing the overall vegetation structure. For example, herbivore exclusion experiments have shown that the absence of herbivores leads to increased grass and tree abundance, highlighting the top-down control exerted by herbivores on vegetation (Staver et al., 2021). The nutrient content of herbivore dung can affect plant competition, with different nutrient ratios favoring either grasses or trees (Sitter and Venterink, 2020). This interaction between herbivores and plants is further complicated by factors such as fire and nutrient cycling, which can alter habitat structure and nutrient availability (Thoresen et al., 2020). 4.3 Predator-prey relationships Predator-prey relationships are a fundamental aspect of trophic dynamics in African savannas. Major predator species include lions, leopards, cheetahs, and hyenas, each playing a critical ecological role in regulating prey populations and maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. Predation pressure can influence the behavior, distribution, and population dynamics of prey species, leading to trophic cascades that affect the entire food web (Webster et al., 2021). The influence of predation on prey populations is evident in the way predators control the abundance and distribution of herbivores, which in turn affects vegetation and other trophic levels. For instance, the presence of large predators can suppress herbivore populations, reducing their grazing pressure on plants and allowing for greater plant diversity and abundance (Coverdale et al., 2021). This top-down regulation is essential for maintaining the ecological balance and preventing overgrazing, which can lead to habitat degradation and loss of biodiversity.