
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 56-68 65 genes and regulatory elements involved in the biosynthesis of bioactive compounds. Additionally, the complexity of the Rehmannia glutinosa genome, including the presence of repetitive sequences and polyploidy, poses difficulties in sequencing and assembly processes (Jeon et al., 2019). Another challenge is the limited functional annotation of the genome. While many genes can be predicted based on sequence homology, the specific functions of a large number of genes remain unknown (Duan et al., 2019). This gap hinders the understanding of the biosynthetic pathways and regulatory networks that govern the production of medicinal compounds. The genetic diversity within natural populations of Rehmannia glutinosa is not fully explored as well, limiting the potential to harness this variability for breeding and biotechnological applications. 9.2 Prospects for genomic-driven drug discovery Genomic research holds great promise for the discovery and development of new drugs from Rehmannia glutinosa. By leveraging advanced genomic tools, researchers can identify novel bioactive compounds and elucidate their biosynthetic pathways. High-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analyses enable the identification of candidate genes involved in the production of therapeutic compounds. These genes can be targeted for overexpression or modification to enhance the yield and potency of the desired compounds. Moreover, integrating genomic data with metabolomics and transcriptomics can provide a comprehensive understanding of the metabolic networks in Rehmannia glutinosa. This systems biology approach can uncover the regulatory mechanisms controlling the synthesis of bioactive molecules, facilitating the development of more effective and targeted therapeutic agents (Lempp et al., 2019). Genomic-driven drug discovery also opens up the possibility of producing complex plant-derived compounds in microbial systems through synthetic biology, offering a sustainable and scalable alternative to traditional plant extraction methods. 9.3 Integrating genomic data with traditional knowledge Integrating genomic data with traditional knowledge is a critical step toward maximizing the medicinal potential of Rehmannia glutinosa. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history of using Rehmannia glutinosa in various formulations, and this ethnobotanical knowledge provides valuable insights into the therapeutic applications of the plant. By correlating genomic data with the traditional uses and preparation methods, researchers can validate and optimize the medicinal properties of R. glutinosa (Huang et al., 2018; Jeon et al., 2019). Collaborative efforts between genomic scientists and practitioners of TCM can lead to the development of standardized, high-efficacy herbal products. Genomic data can inform the selection of plant varieties with optimal bioactive profiles, while traditional knowledge can guide the appropriate processing and formulation techniques. This integrative approach ensures that the benefits of modern genomics are harnessed without losing the rich cultural heritage and empirical wisdom embedded in traditional medicine (Jeon et al., 2019). Furthermore, the integration of genomic data with traditional knowledge can support conservation efforts. Understanding the genetic diversity and population structure of Rehmannia glutinosa can aid in the development of strategies to preserve its genetic resources and ensure sustainable use. By protecting the genetic diversity of this valuable medicinal plant can safeguard its potential for future generations. While there are challenges in the genomic research of Rehmannia glutinosa, the prospects for genomic-driven drug discovery and the integration of genomic data with traditional knowledge are promising. Addressing the current limitations and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations will pave the way for realizing the full medicinal potential of Rehmannia glutinosa, benefiting both modern and traditional medicine. 10 Concluding Remarks The exploration of the genome of Rehmannia glutinosa provided significant insights into its genetic code and medicinal potential. Key findings include the identification and characterization of PAL family genes involved in phenolic biosynthesis, which play a crucial role in the development of replanting disease due to autotoxic harm. The successful application of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in R. glutinosa has demonstrated the potential for genetic improvements and the creation of superior germplasm. Additionally, the study of germplasm