
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 44-55 53 8.2 Integration of SynComs into broader agricultural practices Integrating SynComs into broader agricultural practices involves several strategies aimed at enhancing crop resilience and sustainability. One approach is the use of SynComs to improve plant health and productivity by modulating the plant microbiota, as demonstrated by successful seedling microbiota engineering using SynCom inoculation on seeds (Arnault et al., 2023). This method has shown promise in outcompeting native microbiota and effectively colonizing seedlings, thereby enhancing plant fitness. Additionally, SynComs have been used to protect crops against soilborne pathogens, such as the protection of wheat from Rhizoctonia solani infection (Yin et al., 2022). The potential of SynComs to mitigate biotic stresses through rhizosphere engineering and the integration of traditional and modern techniques is also being explored (Pradhan et al., 2022). Moreover, the resilience of integrated agricultural systems (IAS) to climate variability and change has been highlighted, suggesting that farm system integration can enhance resilience, although further research is needed to test the effectiveness of integration policies (Gil et al., 2017). 8.3 Potential breakthroughs and long-term vision for climate-resilient agriculture The long-term vision for climate-resilient agriculture involves several potential breakthroughs that could transform agricultural practices. One such breakthrough is the development of SynComs tailored to enhance crop resilience against both biotic and abiotic stresses, thereby reducing dependency on chemical fertilizers and improving crop performance on marginal soils (Sai et al., 2022). The use of genetic strategies to improve crop yields and resilience in the face of climatic stress is another promising avenue, leveraging naturally evolved traits and transformative engineering to create resilient production systems (Bailey-Serres et al., 2019). Agroecological strategies, such as diversification of agroecosystems and the integration of traditional farming principles, are also being considered to enhance the resilience of agricultural systems to climatic extremes (Altieri et al., 2015). The effective diffusion of agroecological technologies and the scaling up of practices that enhance agroecosystem resilience will be crucial in adapting to climate change and ensuring food security in the future. By harnessing these emerging trends, integrating SynComs into broader agricultural practices, and pursuing potential breakthroughs, the vision of climate-resilient agriculture can be realized, ensuring sustainable food production in the face of global environmental challenges. 9 Concluding Remarks The field trials and performance evaluations of engineered synthetic microbial communities (SynComs) have demonstrated significant potential in enhancing crop resiliency under adverse environmental conditions. The integration of microbial ecology and genetics in designing SynComs has shown promising results in delivering stable and effective inoculants tailored for robust colonization and specific beneficial functions for plants. Additionally, the use of computational methods, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, has improved the screening and identification of beneficial microbes, thereby optimizing the combination of microbes for desired plant phenotypes. Furthermore, the socio-ecological extension system (SEES) has proven effective in promoting climate-resilient agriculture by facilitating technology adaptations among rice farmers, as evidenced by higher Technology Adaptation Index (TAI) scores compared to conventional methods. For policymakers, the findings underscore the importance of supporting research and development in microbial inoculants and SynComs to enhance agricultural resilience. Policies that promote the integration of advanced computational methods in agricultural practices can further optimize crop performance under climate stress. Researchers are encouraged to continue exploring the interactions between plants and microbial communities to identify novel beneficial traits and improve the design of SynComs. The success of SEES in promoting technology adaptation among farmers highlights the need for participatory and flexible extension approaches that integrate natural and social processes with technological innovations. Farmers can benefit from adopting SynComs and SEES frameworks to improve crop resilience and productivity in the face of climate challenges. The promising results from the field trials of SynComs and the SEES approach call for further research and collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and farmers. Future studies should focus on long-term field trials to