
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 32-38 37 of germplasm, genomic information, and breeding materials. This can significantly contribute to the global effort to improve cassava productivity and resilience. The achievements in cassava genomics have been substantial, with the development of molecular markers, genome mapping, and the identification of genes associated with key agronomic traits. These advancements have provided powerful tools for understanding the genetic basis of crop performance and have laid the groundwork for further improvement.. However, the need for continuous research and technological development cannot be overstated. As the genomic landscape of cassava becomes increasingly understood, it is imperative to maintain momentum in research to harness the full potential of genomic tools. This includes expanding genomic resources, improving genomic prediction models, and developing varieties that meet the changing needs of farmers and consumers. The future of cassava improvement is bright, with genomics playing a pivotal role in ensuring food security and economic development in regions dependent on this vital crop. Funding This project was funded by the Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resources under the research contract for the project "Screening and Breeding of Cassava Resources" (Project Number H20230201). Acknowledgments We would like to express our gratitude to the two anonymous peer researchers for their critical assessment and constructive suggestions on our manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Adu B., Akromah R., Amoah S., Nyadanu D., Yeboah A., Aboagye L., Amoah R., and Owusu E., 2021, High-density DArT-based SilicoDArT and SNP markers for genetic diversity and population structure studies in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), PLoS ONE, 16. Divya K., Thangaraj M., and Radhika N.K., 2024, CRISPR/Cas9: an advanced platform for root and tuber crops improvement, Front. Genome. Ed., 5: 1242510. Elias A., Rabbi I., Kulakow P., and Jannink J., 2017, Improving genomic prediction in cassava field experiments using spatial analysis, G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 8: 53 - 62. Esuma W., Ozimati A., Kulakow P., Gore M., Wolfe M., Nuwamanya E., Egesi C., and Kawuki R., 2021, Effectiveness of genomic selection for improving provitamin A carotenoid content and associated traits in cassava, G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 11. Hu W., Ji C., Shi H., Liang Z., Ding Z., Ye J., Ou W., Zhou G., Tie W., Yan Y., Yang J., Yang X., Wei Y., Jin Z., Xie J., Peng M., Wang W., Guo A., Xu B., Guo J., Chen S., Ma L., Wang M., Zhou Y., Li X., Li R., Guo S., Xiao X., Wan Z., An F., Zhang J., Leng Q., Li Y., Ming R., and Li K., 2021, Allele-defined genome reveals biallelic differentiation during cassava evolution, Mol. Plant, 14(6): 851-854. Hu Y., Chen L., Zhao S., Feng R., Cao X., Chen G., Zhao T., Zhang C., Fang Z., Guo Z., Yu X., Zhang Z., Abdurahman M., Hong H., He Y., and Li H., 2023, Transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and network pharmacology reveal molecular mechanisms of multi-targets effects of Shenxianshengmai improving human iPSC-CMs beating, Clin. Transl. Med., 13(6): e1302. Juma B.S., Mukami A., Mweu C., Ngugi M.P., and Mbinda W., 2022, Targeted mutagenesis of the CYP79D1 gene via CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing results in lower levels of cyanide in cassava, Front. Plant Sci., 13: 1009860. Lyons J., Bredeson J., Mansfeld B., Bauchet G., Berry J., Boyher A., Mueller L., Rokhsar D., and Bart R., 2021, Current status and impending progress for cassava structural genomics, Plant Molecular Biology, 109: 177-191. Mbanjo E., Rabbi I., Ferguson M., Kayondo S., Eng N., Tripathi L., Kulakow P., and Egesi C., 2021, Technological innovations for improving cassava production in Sub-Saharan Africa, Frontiers in Genetics, 11.