
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 32-38 36 adverse phenomenon affecting quality), laying a solid foundation for targeted cultivation of new varieties with these ideal traits. Using genome selection methods, IITA successfully shortened the breeding cycle of cassava from the traditional 5 years to only 2 years, greatly improving breeding efficiency. This progress has enabled the rapid introduction of more cassava varieties that are adaptable to a wide range of environmental conditions, high-yield, and have excellent consumer quality, which is of great significance for alleviating food shortages in Africa and enhancing the sustainability of agricultural production systems (Bakum, 2020, eeding-and-consumer-preference-studies). 4 Challenges and Limitations 4.1 Complexity and cost of technology implementation While genomic tools offer transformative potential for cassava improvement, their implementation is not without challenges. The complexity and cost of advanced genomic technologies, such as CRISPR/Cas9 and high-throughput sequencing, can be prohibitive, especially for research institutions in developing countries where cassava is most vital. These technologies require not only expensive equipment and reagents but also highly specialized knowledge and facilities. The maintenance of such technologies and training personnel to operate them efficiently adds additional layers of difficulty, making it challenging for less-funded programs to adopt these advancements fully. 4.2 Acceptability and ethical issues of genetic resources The use of genomic tools in cassava breeding also raises significant acceptability and ethical issues. There are concerns about the ownership and control of genetic resources, particularly in regions where cassava is a staple and cultural keystone. The prospect of genetically modified (GM) cassava varieties, although potentially beneficial in terms of yield and resistance to disease, often faces skepticism and resistance from both the public and various regulatory bodies. This resistance is due in part to fears about potential impacts on biodiversity, health, and local farming practices. Ethical considerations must also address the equitable distribution of benefits derived from genetic improvements, ensuring that advancements in cassava genomics do not disproportionately favor wealthier farmers over smaller, resource-poor farmers (Wang et al., 2022). 4.3 Effects of global change and environmental stress on breeding strategies Global environmental changes, including climate change, soil degradation, and water scarcity, pose additional challenges to cassava breeding strategies. These changes can alter the expression of genetic traits in unpredictable ways, complicating the task of breeding varieties suited to future conditions. The dynamic nature of environmental stresses requires breeding strategies that not only address current conditions but are also adaptable to future changes. This necessitates a more profound understanding of the interactions between genetic traits and environmental factors, which can be complex and expensive to study. Moreover, breeding for resistance to one stress might inadvertently reduce resistance to another or affect other important traits such as yield or nutritional content, demonstrating the intricate balance required in the genetic improvement of cassava (Sonnewald et al., 2020). 5 Outlook and Prospects The integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in genomic data analysis is poised to revolutionize cassava improvement programs. These technologies can enhance the interpretation of complex genomic data, leading to more precise breeding decisions and the acceleration of genetic gain in cassava breeding programs. The development of policy and regulatory frameworks is essential to support the application of genomic technologies in cassava improvement. Such frameworks can facilitate the adoption of new breeding techniques, ensure biosafety, and promote the equitable distribution of benefits arising from genetic advancements. International cooperation and resource sharing are critical for the advancement of cassava genomics. Collaborative efforts can lead to the pooling of financial, human, and technical resources, fostering the exchange