
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 24-31 30 5.2 Prospects for the application of disease resistance genetic markers in livestock and poultry breeding The application of disease resistance genetic markers holds broad prospects in livestock and poultry breeding. Using identified disease resistance genetic markers, selective breeding can quickly enhance the disease resistance of livestock and poultry. By breeding individuals with favorable genetic markers, it's possible to reduce disease incidence while maintaining other desirable traits, thus improving breeding efficiency (Kabir and Islam, 2021). The application of disease resistance genetic markers can also help overcome some challenges encountered in traditional breeding methods, such as genetic degeneration and loss of genetic diversity resulting from long-term selection. Targeted selection of disease resistance genetic markers can more effectively improve the overall health level of livestock and poultry, reduce breeding risks, and enhance the sustainable development of the breeding industry. 5.3 Application of disease resistance genetic markers in livestock and poultry health management Beyond their use in breeding, disease resistance genetic markers can also play a crucial role in livestock and poultry health management. Molecular diagnostic techniques based on disease resistance genetic markers can help breeders timely detect the disease resistance levels of livestock and poultry, guiding health management and disease prevention efforts (Gavora, 2019). Monitoring and managing individuals at higher risk of disease can effectively reduce disease transmission and occurrence, ensuring the stable operation of the breeding industry. Disease resistance genetic markers can also offer new ideas and methods for disease prevention and treatment. By studying the association between disease resistance genetic markers and disease mechanisms, new vaccines and drugs can be developed, enhancing livestock and poultry's resistance to specific pathogens and further improving the production efficiency and economic benefits of the breeding industry. In the future prospects of animal disease resistance research, the ongoing role of GWAS technology and the application prospects of disease resistance genetic markers in livestock and poultry breeding and health management will become significant driving forces for the development of the breeding industry. By fully leveraging the advantages of genetics and bioinformatics, strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration, and continuously optimizing technical methods and application strategies, it is hoped that more scientific and efficient solutions for the study and breeding of disease resistance in livestock and poultry can be provided, pushing the breeding industry towards a healthier and more sustainable development path. 6 Conclusion GWAS technology, as a powerful genomics tool, plays a crucial role in the research of animal disease resistance. By analyzing vast amounts of genotype and phenotype data, GWAS can identify genetic markers related to animal disease resistance, offering new approaches and methods for breeding for disease resistance. The significance and value of research on animal disease resistance are clear. Diseases are one of the major obstacles in the livestock industry, not only directly affecting the economic benefits of the industry but also posing potential threats to human health. Therefore, improving animals' disease resistance capabilities not only helps to enhance the productivity of the breeding industry but also ensures food safety and human health (Song and Yu, 2016). Despite the significant progress made by GWAS technology in the study of animal disease resistance, there are still many challenges and unknowns (Ghosh et al., 2018). For example, since animal disease resistance is influenced by a variety of factors, including environment and breeding management, relying solely on genomic data may not fully explain the complexity of disease resistance. GWAS studies often face issues such as insufficient sample sizes and low-quality genotype data, which can affect the reliability and stability of the results. Therefore, this study calls for continued attention and support for research on animal disease resistance. On the one hand, there is a need to strengthen the functional analysis of genes related to animal disease resistance, delving into their roles in immune regulation and disease resistance mechanisms. On the other hand, it is necessary to improve the data quality and sample sizes of disease resistance research, optimize research designs and analysis methods, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results. Only by doing so can GWAS