
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 24-31 26 researchers can rapidly identify genetic variations associated with animal disease resistance, laying the foundation for further functional studies and breeding applications. Figure 1 Data curation process adopted by GWAS Atlas (Tian et al., 2020) The application history of GWAS in animal genetics research is relatively short but has progressed rapidly. With the continuous development of sequencing technology and the accumulation of data, GWAS has achieved a series of important results in livestock such as pigs, chickens, and cattle, as well as in experimental animals like mice. The development of GWAS has also propelled progress in animal genetics research. Through GWAS technology, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of animal genomes. It has revealed many genes and pathways related to disease resistance, providing important information for further functional studies and breeding applications. 3 Background and Significance of Research on Cattle Disease Resistance 3.1 The threat of cattle diseases to the livestock industry In the livestock industry, cattle diseases have always been a severe problem, causing significant economic losses (Andrews et al., 2008). Diseases can lead to decreased productivity, disease spread, and even death among cattle, posing a serious threat to the stability and development of the breeding industry. Some common cattle diseases include mastitis, rumen acidosis, pneumonia, etc. Therefore, improving cattle's disease resistance has become one of the keys to the development of the livestock industry. 3.2 Genetic markers for cattle disease resistance discovered In recent years, with the development of genetics and molecular biology technologies, an increasing number of genetic markers for cattle disease resistance have been discovered. These markers are usually gene polymorphism sites or genomic regions significantly associated with cattle's disease resistance performance. For example, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to resistance genes have been identified as genetic markers for cattle disease resistance. These markers can help breeders select cattle with stronger disease resistance, thereby reducing the incidence of diseases and improving breeding efficiency. 3.3 Analysis of disease resistance genes and their relevance to diseases For the discovered genetic markers of cattle disease resistance, researchers have conducted in-depth analyses to reveal the association between these markers and diseases. By performing functional analysis and expression regulation studies on these markers, a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cattle disease resistance can be achieved. At the same time, markers related to specific diseases have been identified, providing strong support for breeding against particular diseases. For instance, gene loci related to mastitis resistance have been discovered and proven to be significantly associated with resistance to mastitis, offering new insights into the control and prevention of mastitis. In this research field, a thorough investigation of the functions and expression regulation mechanisms of disease resistance genes is crucial for uncovering the genetic mechanisms of cattle's disease resistance. By continuously