
Bioscience Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 11-15 14 groups. The height of each bar represents the log-odds ratio (beta) of the cluster's association with a specific vascular outcome, with the grey bars indicating the 95% confidence intervals. Notably, the "Beta cell +PI" cluster exhibits a significant negative correlation with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), while the "Obesity" cluster demonstrates a significant positive correlation with both CAD and Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), suggesting a close relationship between different pathological processes related to T2D and the risk of specific vascular complications. These results underscore the importance of personalized treatment approaches targeting specific pathological processes in the management of T2D. An asterisk (*) indicates a nominal association with a P value less than 0.05, and a double asterisk (**) indicates a significant association after Bonferroni correction with a P value less than 0.0063. Figure 3 Associations of cluster-specific components of the partitioned PS with five T2D-related vascular outcomes in up to 279,552 individuals from multiple ancestry groups 2 Analysis of Research Findings This study, through the construction of cluster-specific polygenic scores (PS), delves into the association between various clusters and vascular complications related to Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). The findings reveal a significant positive correlation between the genetic risk scores of the obesity cluster and conditions such as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), suggesting a pivotal role of obesity in the development of these vascular complications. Moreover, clusters associated with insulin secretion showed a negative correlation with CAD, potentially reflecting the role of impaired insulin secretion in cardiovascular risk. These analytical results highlight the diverse roles of different genetic clusters in the risk of T2D complications, providing vital information for personalized diabetes care and aiding the design of more precise treatment strategies in the future. Integrating global genetic information can guide treatment decisions more effectively, especially in the prevention and management of vascular complications in T2D patients. This method of risk assessment based on genetic clusters paves new paths for the optimization of diabetes care globally. 3 Evaluation of the Research This study conducted an in-depth analysis of the genetic heterogeneity of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) by integrating genome-wide association data from multiple ethnic groups with single-cell epigenetic data, demonstrating the potential of big data in deciphering the complex genetic backdrop of diseases. The unique analytical framework proposed by this research offers new methodologies for identifying and understanding the risk factors for T2D across diverse genetic backgrounds, advancing the application of personalized medicine in diabetes management. However, the study's capture of global genetic diversity is not yet comprehensive, particularly lacking data from regions such as Africa, South America, and the Middle East, which limits the universality of its findings. Future research needs to expand the sample size to more fully reveal the genetic mechanisms of T2D. 4 Conclusion This study has provided unprecedented insights into the genetic heterogeneity of Type 2 Diabetes, particularly highlighting the central role of obesity in the development of the disease. Its findings offer valuable genetic