
Biological Evidence 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-10 10 As one of the representatives of renewable energy in the United States, ethanol fuel holds a promising outlook. In the future, ethanol fuel will find broader applications in the automotive fuel sector, contributing to the green transformation of the U.S. transportation industry. Additionally, the development of the ethanol fuel industry will stimulate economic growth and sustainability, bolstering the United States' leading position in the global energy sector. Achieving the sustainable development of the ethanol fuel industry requires joint efforts from the government and the industry. Increased focus on technological innovation and policy support is essential to drive the healthy development of the ethanol fuel industry, contributing to a greener energy landscape in the future. Author’s contributions Yolanda Green conceived and led this research, conducted extensive literature reviews, designed and executed survey analyses, wrote the initial draft of the paper, and thoroughly organized and edited the paper to ensure its quality and accuracy. References Dominguez-faus R., Powers S.E., and Burken J.G., 2009, The water footprint of biofuels: a drink or drive issue? EST., 43(9): 3005-3010. Fargione J., Hill J., Tilman D., Polasky S., and Hawthorne P., 2008, Land clearing and the biofuel carbon debt, Science, 319(5867): 1235-1238. Farrell A.E., Plevin R.J., Turner B.T., Jones A.D., O’hare M., and Kammen D.M., 2006, Ethanol can contribute to energy and environmental goals, Science, 311(5760): 506-508. Jin F.X., Zhang W.G., Zhou X.P., and Huang Z., 2002, Research and development of alcohol fuel and its application, Chaiyouji (Diesel Engine), (5): 44-46. Khanna M., Ando A.W., and Taheripour F., 2008, Welfare effects and unintended consequences of ethanol subsidies, Rev. Agr. Econ., 30(3): 411-421. Searchinger T., Heimlich R., Houghton R.A., Dong F., Elobeid A., Fabiosa J., Tokgoz S., Hayes D., and Yu T.H., 2008, Use of U.S. croplands for biofuels increases greenhouse gases through emissions from land-use change, Science, 319(5867): 1238-1240. Sun J., Chen L., and Wang H.L., 2003, Research progress on the production of fuel ethanol by lignocellulose, Kezaisheng Nengyuan (Renewable Energy), (6): 5-9. Xu C.H., and Fang J.J., 2007, Analysis on production and application situation of fuel ethanol at home and abroad, Jingxi yu Zhuanyong Huaxuepin (Fine and Specialty Chemicals), 15(22): 30-35. Zhang J., Wang Z.R., Ding D.Y., and Han Y.P., 2023, Evolution and application of biofuels, Journal of Energy Bioscience, 14(1): 1-6. Zhou J.Y., Wang Z.R., Ding D.Y., and Liu C.C., 2023, Research and prospect of food fuels issues, Journal of Energy Bioscience, 14(2): 1-7