
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 245-255 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 249 4.2 Remote sensing methods Remote sensing methods are indispensable for observing ocean waves and atmospheric boundary layer dynamics. Techniques such as satellite observation, coastal radars, and scanning LiDAR systems provide valuable data on sea surface conditions and wind-wave interactions. For example, scanning LiDAR deployed onshore can capture wave-induced disturbances in the lower marine atmospheric boundary layer, offering new perspectives for studying micro-scale wind-wave interactions (Paskin et al., 2022). Satellite observations complement in situ measurements by providing large-scale data on ocean surface parameters, which are crucial for model validation and improving forecast accuracy (Rossi et al., 2021). 4.3 Data integration and analysis The integration and analysis of data from various observational techniques are crucial for enhancing our understanding of ocean-atmosphere interactions. Combining in situ observations with remote sensing data allows for comprehensive monitoring and improved model simulations. For instance, the assimilation of wave buoy observations into models has shown significant improvements in forecast accuracy (Smit et al., 2021). The development of integrated data management systems and high-throughput communications is essential for efficient data handling and dissemination, ensuring that observational data benefits a wide range of users (Centurioni et al., 2019). Enhanced observational networks and data integration efforts are necessary to address the challenges posed by sparse spatial and temporal coverage, particularly in remote regions like the Southern Ocean (Swart et al., 2019). 5 Case Studies and Regional Variations 5.1 Impact of ocean waves on coastal abl dynamics The interaction between ocean waves and the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is particularly pronounced in coastal regions. Studies have shown that the heterogeneity in surface roughness caused by transient, nonlinear internal ocean waves significantly impacts the marine atmospheric surface layer. For instance, the presence of internal waves can drive wind velocity and stress variance, and adjust the wind gradient across individual wave fronts, enhancing the air-sea momentum flux over the internal wave packet (Figure 2) (Ortiz-Suslow et al., 2019). The use of scanning LiDAR (sLiDAR) systems has demonstrated the ability to capture wave-induced disturbances propagating into the lower part of the marine ABL, providing new insights into micro-scale wind-wave interactions in coastal environments (Paskin et al., 2022). This study quantitatively assessed the impact of nonlinear internal waves on the marine atmospheric boundary layer through field experiments, revealing how internal waves alter sea surface roughness, thereby affecting the dynamic structure of the ocean surface atmosphere. These findings are significant for further understanding fine-scale ocean-atmosphere interactions and the influence of internal waves on the marine environment. 5.2 Influence in open ocean environments In the open ocean, the dynamics of surface waves also play a crucial role in shaping the ABL. The impact of surface waves on steady near-surface wind profiles has been studied using modified Ekman theory, which incorporates a wave-induced component on the total stress. This approach has shown that surface waves significantly alter the near-surface mean wind profile and the turbulence structure of the marine ABL (Song et al., 2015). Submesoscale processes, although less represented in ocean models, contribute to turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation in the open-ocean surface boundary layer. Observations and simulations indicate that surface processes dominate TKE dissipation, suggesting that submesoscale processes do not dramatically modify vertical TKE budgets (Buckingham et al., 2019; Lin, 2024). 5.3 Seasonal and climatic variability The impact of ocean waves on the ABL also exhibits seasonal and climatic variability. Climate projections indicate that changes in atmospheric circulation and wave conditions, driven by natural climate cycles or anthropogenic factors, can significantly affect coastal sea-level changes and wave-induced coastal hydrodynamics. For example, regional wave climate projections for Europe show a general decrease in wave heights and periods in the Atlantic Europe for the late twenty-first century, which is attributed to changes in atmospheric pressure