
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 245-255 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 245 Review Article Open Access Impact of Ocean Waves on Atmospheric Boundary Layer Dynamics: Mechanisms and Observations LipingLiu Tropical Marine Fisheries Research Center, Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resources, Sanya, 572025, Hainan, China Corresponding email: liping.liu@hitar.org International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, doi: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0028 Received: 03 Jun., 2024 Accepted: 14 Jul., 2024 Published: 25 Jul., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Liu, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproductio4n in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Liu L.P., 2024, Impact of ocean waves on atmospheric boundary layer dynamics: mechanisms and observations, International Journal of Marine Science, 14(4): 245-255 (doi: 10.5376/ijms.2024.14.0028) Abstract Ocean waves can significantly impact the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) by altering wind speed distribution, momentum transfer, and energy exchange processes near the ocean surface. The stress induced by waves modifies the structure of the ABL, affects the stability of wind profiles, and through the propagation of momentum and turbulence, further influences the overall dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer. This study systematically analyzes how ocean waves impact ABL dynamics through various mechanisms, validates these theoretical models against actual observational data, and, by integrating the latest observational technologies such as sLiDAR and satellite remote sensing, further explores the regional and seasonal variations in wave-ABL interactions. The study also evaluates how these changes affect climate and weather forecasting. In the context of global climate change, accurately simulating and predicting wind-wave interactions is crucial for climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. This research aims to improve the accuracy of models that simulate extreme weather events and provide scientific evidence for enhancing climate models, optimizing offshore renewable energy utilization, and managing marine resources. KeywordsAtmospheric boundary layer (ABL); Wind-wave interaction; Energy exchange; Turbulence; Climate adaptation 1 Introduction The interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere is a complex and dynamic process that significantly influences weather patterns, climate systems, and marine ecosystems. These interactions occur primarily through the exchange of momentum, heat, and moisture across the ocean surface, which is mediated by various physical processes such as wind stress, wave dynamics, and buoyancy fluxes. The presence of oceanic features like eddies, internal waves, and surface waves further complicates these interactions by introducing heterogeneity in surface roughness and temperature, which in turn affects atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) dynamics (Song et al., 2015; Ortiz-Suslow et al., 2019; Sullivan and McWilliams, 2022). The ABL is the lowest part of the atmosphere and is directly influenced by its contact with the Earth's surface. It plays a crucial role in the transfer of energy, momentum, and mass between the surface and the free atmosphere. Understanding the dynamics of the ABL is essential for accurate weather forecasting, climate modeling, and the study of air-sea interactions. The ABL's structure and behavior are influenced by various factors, including surface roughness, thermal stratification, and turbulence, which are often modulated by oceanic processes such as surface waves and submesoscale eddies (Sun et al., 2015; Shrestha amd Anderson, 2019; Lemarié et al., 2020). This study synthesizes the current knowledge on the effects of ocean waves on ABL dynamics, focusing on the mechanisms by which ocean waves affect the ABL and the observational evidence supporting these interactions. The theoretical framework and models of wave-ABL interactions, including modifications to the Ekman theory and the role of wave-induced stresses, are analyzed. Observational studies and numerical simulations that quantify the effects of ocean waves on ABL wind profiles, turbulence, and secondary circulation are discussed, and the impact of these interactions on weather forecasts, climate models, and marine environmental studies are emphasized. By providing a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms and observations associated with wave-atmosphere boundary layer interactions, this study aims to improve our understanding of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system and provide a scientific basis for future research and modeling work in this area.