
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 275-284 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 280 invertebrates, it can also contribute to environmental stressors. For instance, aquaculture activities can lead to habitat degradation and increased nutrient loading, which may negatively impact coastal ecosystems (Holden et al., 2019; Theuerkauf et al., 2021). Moreover, the success of integrating aquaculture with habitat restoration depends on understanding the specific ecological interactions and the potential for aquaculture to support or hinder restoration goals. For example, the metabolic activities of macroalgae in co-culture systems can buffer ocean acidification, potentially benefiting calcifying organisms like shellfish. However, the effectiveness of this buffering capacity is site-specific and depends on local hydrodynamic conditions and community structure (Fernández et al., 2019). Additionally, the presence of aquaculture structures can alter the habitat use patterns of marine species. For example, mussel farms have been shown to attract common bottlenose dolphins due to the aggregation of prey species around the aquaculture structures. This interaction highlights the need to consider the broader ecological impacts of aquaculture on marine species and their habitats (López and Methion, 2017). 5.2 Socioeconomic and regulatory challenges The integration of shellfish aquaculture with habitat restoration also faces significant socioeconomic and regulatory challenges. One of the primary issues is balancing the economic benefits of aquaculture with the need to protect and restore coastal habitats. In regions like British Columbia, the expansion of shellfish aquaculture must be carefully managed to ensure it is socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable. This involves considering the interactions between aquaculture, existing industries, and local communities, including First Nations (D'Anna and Murray, 2015; Holden et al., 2019). Public perception and acceptance of aquaculture activities can also pose challenges. While some stakeholders may recognize the economic benefits of aquaculture, others may have concerns about its environmental impacts and effects on their lived experience. This variability in perceptions underscores the importance of engaging with local communities and addressing their concerns through transparent and inclusive planning processes (D'Anna and Murray, 2015). Regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in facilitating the integration of aquaculture with habitat restoration. Effective marine spatial planning and adaptive management strategies are essential to ensure that aquaculture activities align with conservation and restoration objectives. This includes developing clear and measurable indicators of success to evaluate the ecological benefits of aquaculture and prevent potential greenwashing (Overton et al., 2023). Integrating shellfish aquaculture with habitat restoration requires addressing both environmental and ecological considerations, as well as navigating complex socioeconomic and regulatory landscapes. By adopting a holistic and adaptive approach, it is possible to harness the potential benefits of aquaculture while mitigating its challenges and ensuring the sustainability of coastal ecosystems (Xu and Wang, 2014). 6 Advances in Shellfish Aquaculture Techniques for Restoration 6.1 Selective breeding and genetic enhancement Selective breeding and genetic enhancement have emerged as pivotal techniques in shellfish aquaculture, particularly for restoration purposes. Advances in genomics and bioinformatics have significantly accelerated the genetic improvement of aquaculture species. For instance, genomic selection combined with biotechnological innovations such as genome editing and surrogate broodstock technologies can expedite genetic improvement, optimizing traits like growth rate and disease resistance (Houston et al., 2020). Selective breeding has also been shown to enhance resilience to environmental stressors, such as ocean acidification. For example, selectively bred Sydney rock oysters have demonstrated altered biomineralization pathways, promoting resilience to acidification (Fitzer et al., 2019). These genetic advancements not only improve the sustainability of shellfish aquaculture but also contribute to the restoration of degraded coastal habitats by producing more robust and adaptable shellfish populations (Azra et al., 2022).