
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 266-274 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 271 Figure 2 Groups of high-frequency NLIWs (times correspond to green lines inFigure 2) (Adopted from Becherer et al., 2020) Image caption: (a) Image plot of onshore velocity component ua and isotherms (gray contours; 12 °C~19 °C). (b) Image plot of vertical velocity component wa and maximum isopycnal displacement of NLIWs η0 associated with bottom pulse events (purple: offshore, orange: onshore). (c) Onshore up (blue) and alongshore υp (red) components derived from pitot-static tube speed measurements (light color 100-Hz sampling rate, dark thick lines 30-s averages). (d) Dissipation rate of TKE from BBL scaling εbbl (blue) and pitot-static tube εp (red). (e) Backscatter intensity as measured by the ADCP (color) and EIA (magenta) (Adopted from Becherer et al., 2020) 7 Applications and Implications 7.1 Impacts on climate and weather prediction The nonlinear mechanisms of oceanic wave and mixing processes have significant implications for climate and weather prediction. Turbulent mixing driven by internal waves plays a crucial role in the vertical transport of water, heat, and other climatically important tracers in the ocean. This process influences the global climate system by affecting the distribution of heat and carbon, which in turn shapes ocean circulation and air-sea interactions. The spatial and temporal variability of internal wave-driven mixing, particularly its generation, propagation, and dissipation, is essential for understanding and predicting climate patterns (Whalen et al., 2010). Moreover, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) exemplifies how atmospheric and oceanic variability can orchestrate coherent climate variations over large regions, impacting weather patterns and marine ecosystems (Holbrook et al., 2020). The NAO affects ocean heat content, gyre circulations, and mixed layer depth, which are critical for climate variability and prediction. Additionally, incorporating wave-induced processes such as Stokes drift and nonbreaking surface waves into ocean models has been shown to improve simulations of sea surface temperature and mixed layer depth, further enhancing climate prediction capabilities (Fan et al., 2023).