
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 245-255 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 252 refinement are necessary (Zhu et al., 2023). The coupling of ocean, wave, and atmospheric models has been shown to reduce biases in sea surface temperature predictions, highlighting the importance of dynamic feedbacks between these systems (Lewis et al., 2019). Enhanced parameterizations of momentum fluxes within the wave boundary layer, as proposed in recent studies, could also improve the accuracy of cyclone and typhoon wave predictions. 7.3 Emerging areas of research Several emerging areas of research hold promise for advancing our understanding of ocean wave impacts on ABL dynamics. The study of submesoscale processes, which occur at small scales and are not yet represented in most ocean models, is one such area. These processes have been shown to contribute significantly to turbulent kinetic energy dissipation in the open-ocean surface boundary layer, although their overall impact on vertical TKE budgets remains to be fully understood. Another promising area is the use of advanced measurement techniques developed for studying rogue waves in optics, which could provide new insights into the formation and prediction of oceanic rogue waves (Dudley et al., 2019). The development of robust and miniaturized sensors for autonomous platforms could significantly enhance the spatial and temporal coverage of observations, particularly in remote and challenging environments like the Southern Ocean (Swart et al., 2019). By addressing these challenges and exploring these emerging research areas, we can improve our understanding of the complex interactions within the ABL over the ocean, leading to more accurate weather and climate forecasts and better engineering solutions for exploiting offshore renewable energies. 8 Concluding Remarks The impact of ocean waves on atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) dynamics has been extensively studied, revealing several key mechanisms and observations. Research using scanning LiDAR (sLiDAR) has shown that ocean waves can significantly affect the lower marine atmospheric boundary layer by inducing disturbances that propagate into the atmosphere, particularly in old wave conditions where the wave propagation speed is faster than the wind speed. Coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean models indicate that ocean waves can enhance sea surface temperature (SST) cooling through mechanisms such as Ekman pumping and vertical mixing, thereby weakening cyclones and reducing atmospheric energy. The implementation of moving wave boundary conditions in models like WRF has improved the simulation capability of real wind-wave coupling, validating the impact of waves on atmospheric stress and wind parameters. Lagrangian analysis and field experiments have emphasized the role of wave-driven turbulence in the ocean surface boundary layer (OSBL), demonstrating that breaking waves and Langmuir turbulence significantly enhance near-surface turbulence and mixing. The sensitivity of weather forecasting to atmosphere-ocean-wave coupling has been confirmed, with coupled models showing higher accuracy in predicting wind speeds and sea surface temperatures, especially in nearshore regions. These findings have profound implications for climate and weather forecasting. Incorporating wave dynamics into atmospheric models can improve the accuracy of weather forecasts, particularly for extreme weather events such as cyclones and mid-latitude storms. This is crucial for early warning systems and disaster preparedness. Understanding wave-induced turbulence and mixing helps improve climate models, leading to better predictions of sea surface temperatures and ocean-atmosphere heat exchanges, which are critical for long-term climate forecasting. Accurate simulation of wind-wave interactions is vital for optimizing offshore renewable energy facilities and managing marine resources, as it influences wind energy potential and wave energy extraction. To further deepen the understanding of the impact of ocean waves on ABL dynamics, future research should focus on several key areas. Deploying more high-resolution observation tools, such as sLiDAR and moored buoys, to capture detailed wind-wave interactions and turbulence under various oceanic conditions. Continuing to develop and refine coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave models to improve their accuracy and applicability across different climatic and geographic environments, including the integration of sub-mesoscale processes and validation with field data. Establishing long-term monitoring programs to study the seasonal and interannual variations of wave impacts on the atmospheric boundary layer, which will help in understanding broader climate impacts. Promoting interdisciplinary research that combines meteorology, oceanography, and climate science to develop