
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 231-244 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 240 In the United States, some states have taken significant steps to address ocean acidification. Washington State, for example, has implemented comprehensive policies and legislative measures to tackle ocean acidification, driven by the severe impacts on its shellfish aquaculture industry. These measures include establishing an Ocean Acidification Center and implementing monitoring programs and mitigation strategies (Ekstrom et al., 2015). National policies in other regions also reflect varying degrees of commitment. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of ocean acidification and have begun integrating it into broader climate change and environmental policies. These policies often emphasize the importance of local adaptation measures and community resilience (Schmutter et al., 2017). 7.3 Role of non-governmental organizations Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a vital role in advocating for action on ocean acidification, raising public awareness, and supporting research and policy development. NGOs often bridge gaps between scientific research and policy implementation by translating scientific findings into actionable policy recommendations. They also engage in capacity-building activities, helping communities and policymakers understand and respond to the challenges posed by ocean acidification (Falkenberg et al., 2020). Organizations such as the Ocean Conservancy and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have been instrumental in promoting international and national policies to mitigate ocean acidification. These NGOs work with governments, scientists, and local communities to develop and implement strategies that address both the causes and impacts of ocean acidification. Furthermore, NGOs frequently facilitate international collaborations and partnerships, enhancing global efforts to tackle ocean acidification. By organizing workshops, conferences, and public awareness campaigns, they help to keep ocean acidification on the global environmental agenda and ensure that it receives the attention it deserves (Cooley et al., 2016). 8 Progress and Future Directions 8.1 Advances in research and monitoring Recent advances in ocean acidification research have improved our understanding of its impacts on marine ecosystems and the underlying mechanisms driving these changes. The use of experimental design improvements has been crucial. For instance, guidelines on designing ocean acidification laboratory experiments emphasize the importance of appropriate replication and rigorous monitoring of carbonate chemistry to ensure accurate detection of biological responses (Cornwall and Hurd, 2016). These advancements have addressed previous methodological limitations, resulting in more reliable and reproducible findings. Additionally, the integration of IoT-based monitoring systems has revolutionized data collection. These systems employ buoys and fishing boats equipped with sensors to provide near real-time data on seawater pH and other parameters. This approach offers a cost-effective and high-resolution alternative to traditional methods, enhancing our ability to monitor acidification over large spatial and temporal scales (Gopika et al., 2022). The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) has expanded its efforts to provide comprehensive monitoring data. GOA-ON integrates data from various sources, including autonomous sensors, to support adaptive management and policy decisions. This network's work has been pivotal in advancing our understanding of acidification at both local and global levels (Tilbrook et al., 2019). 8.2 Emerging technologies and innovations Emerging technologies and innovations are enhancing our ability to study and mitigate ocean acidification. One notable advancement is the development of autonomous pH monitoring instruments, such as the Honeywell Durafet® pH electrode, which provide precise and continuous measurements of seawater pH. These instruments significantly improve the accuracy of time-course documentation in laboratory and field studies, reducing the labor required for monitoring (Kapsenberg et al., 2017). Satellite-based assessments of ocean acidification are becoming more feasible. New space-based salinity measurements enable the development of novel models to assess ocean acidification from space. This method offers a promising way to monitor the ocean surface on a