
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 218-230 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 227 comprehensive data on the natural variability of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) before anthropogenic influences, which limits the confidence in future IOD predictions (Abram et al., 2020). Additionally, the sparse observational network in the Indian Ocean, particularly in the subsurface, hinders accurate assessments of regional-scale trends in heat and freshwater changes (Ummenhofer et al., 2021). Furthermore, the complex interactions between the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and other climate modes, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), require further investigation to disentangle their combined effects on the Indo-Pacific climate system (Kumar et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2022). 9.2 Emerging technologies and methods To address these knowledge gaps, the adoption of emerging technologies and methods is essential. Enhanced observing systems, including both remotely sensed and in situ observations, are crucial for maintaining and expanding the data network in the Indo-Pacific region (Ummenhofer et al., 2021). The integration of high-resolution climate models and advanced statistical techniques, such as complex network methodologies and principal component analysis, can provide deeper insights into the spatiotemporal dependencies and multivariable interactions within the climate system (Falasca et al., 2021). Additionally, the use of coral proxy networks can extend the historical record of climate variability, offering valuable context for contemporary changes (Ummenhofer et al., 2021). 9.3 Interdisciplinary approaches Interdisciplinary approaches are vital for a holistic understanding of the Indo-Pacific Ocean basin circulation and its climate impacts. Collaboration between oceanographers, climatologists, and data scientists can facilitate the development of comprehensive models that incorporate both oceanic and atmospheric processes (Wang et al., 2020). Furthermore, integrating insights from paleoclimatology, such as coral records, with modern observational data can enhance the understanding of long-term climate variability and its drivers (Abram et al., 2020; Ummenhofer et al., 2021). Finally, interdisciplinary research that combines physical oceanography with socio-economic studies can better assess the implications of climate variability for vulnerable societies in the Indo-Pacific region, informing more effective climate risk management strategies (Deepa et al., 2021; Ummenhofer et al., 2021). By addressing these future research directions, the scientific community can improve the understanding of the Indo-Pacific Ocean basin's role in global climate dynamics and enhance the predictive capabilities for future climate scenarios. 10 Concluding Remarks The research on the variability of the Indo-Pacific Ocean basin circulation and its impact on climate change has yielded several significant insights. Firstly, the Indo-Pacific region has experienced substantial changes in climate mean state and variability over the Holocene, with a notable shift in the Indian Ocean's dominant climate modes. The region has also seen rapid increases in surface temperatures and ocean heat content, which are linked to both anthropogenic climate change and natural multi-decadal variability. The Indo-Pacific Warm Pool exhibits distinct seasonal and interannual variability, with significant contributions from the Indian Ocean basin-wide index. Additionally, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and other non-ENSO forced variabilities play crucial roles in the region's climate dynamics. Sea surface salinity trends further indicate an intensification of the global hydrological cycle under global warming. The weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) has also been shown to induce warming in the Indo-Pacific, highlighting the interconnectedness of global ocean systems. Historical records reveal that the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) has been tightly coupled with ENSO variability over the last millennium, with recent extremes being unusual but not unprecedented. The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) is another critical component, with its variability and centennial changes significantly impacting Indo-Pacific oceanography and global climate. Finally, the Indian summer monsoon rainfall is influenced by multiple climate modes, including ENSO, IOD, and ENSO Modoki, underscoring the complex interplay of factors affecting regional climate.