
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 204-217 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 216 Table 5 Analysis of variance Source of variations Year Sum of squares Ddl Mean of squares FObserved Critical value for F Raw 2018 32037.1572 6 5339.5262 5.3519 2.4205 Column 8192,2743 5 1638.4549 1.6423 2.5336 Error 29930.4465 30 997.6816 - - Total 70159.8780 41 - - - Raw 2019 18697.1402 6 3116.1900 5.2153 2.4205 Column 1919.8903 5 383.9780 0.6426 2.53358 Error 17925.0829 30 597.5027 - - Total 38542.1135 41 - - - Given these results, the two tables comeback to the same result, including rejecting the hypothesis H0 for the line factors by accepting the hypothesis H1 of these factors, that is to say the regulations for the management of fishery resources have effects on the economic potential of fishermen in coastal villages within the LM-MPA. However, they accept hypothesis H0 for the column factors and reject hypothesis H1 for these factors. That is to say, no fishermen in all the villages had any economic effects on the regulations governing the management of fishery resources in the LM-MPA. All this means that thanks to the management of fishery resources in these areas, fishermen can improve their sources of income through fishing products because their existence does not prevent the sustainable and rational management of resources by ensuring the increase of stocks. natural in the aquatic environment. 6 Conclusion Madagascar has a significant number of coastal communities which depend on the fishing sector to meet their food needs and as a source of income. This is also the case for the rural municipality of Ampisikinana and the village of Antsampilay. The fishing sector plays an important role for the economy of fishermen in the coastal villages within the LM-MPA. Providing them with considerable foreign income to live on. Despite of this situation, the current production trend is towards a decrease in terms of both quantity and quality for fish, cephalopods, crabs, shrimps, lobsters. The sea is still open access for all Malagasy citizens, so anyone can go fishing. The lack of suitable means to go fishing out of usual fishing zone such as motorized canoe equipped with refrigeration and the inability to buy non-destructive fishing gears were the main the problems raised by the fishermen. They fish and exploit the shallower zone within a restricted radius. Indeed, signs of overexploitation of fishing products have been noted. However, for the development of the sector to be sustainable and rational, it is halt the clandestine exploitation of fishery resources by revising the regulatory texts relating to these resources such as the revision of the minimum catch size and the setting of periods closures for laying. In addition, stock assessment studies should be carried out during a certain fishing closure period and must be accompanied by awareness raising among fishermen about sustainable management. Acknoweldgement The authors are grateful to thank Dr. Blaise Ravelo from NUIST, China, Marie Berthina Sambimiasa from University of Antsiranana, Madagascar, and Valencia Lala from ENAC, France, for their advice and their help to write the manuscript. References Akhilesh K.V., Ganga U., Pillai N.G.K., Vivekanandan E, Bineesh K.K., Shanis C.P.R., and Hashim M., 2011, Deep-sea fishing for chondrichthyan resources and sustainability concerns-a case study from southwest coast of India, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 40: 347-355. Badjeck M.C., Katikiro R.E., Flitner M., Diop N., and Schwerdtner Máñez K., 2011, Vision 2050: Changement climatique, aquaculture et pêcheenAfrique del’Ouest, Dakar, Sénégal 14-16 avril 2010, The WorldFish Center, Penang, Malaysia, 28. Beedessee G., Ramanjooloo A., and Marie D.E.P., 2015, Marine natural products research in Mauritius: Progress and challenges, Marine Chemistry, 170: 23-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2015.01.002 Chauveau E., 2024, Aperçudespratiqueset politiques degestiondes espaces côtiers à Madagascar, In Cahiers Nantais 1999, Sillages sur l'océan indien, 52: 145-166. https://doi.org/10.3406/canan.1999.961