
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 204-217 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 213 Rules Details Responsible Entities Responsibilities It is prohibited to use fixed nets whose smallest mesh size is less than 25 mm square and trailing nets whose smallest mesh size is less than 25 mm square. Floating nets are not subject to any mesh size Type of fishing gear recommended depending on the target and area (1) Gill nets, commonly used in traditional western fishing, which vary between 25 mm to 40 mm mesh (2) The ZDZD net (used offshore), large mesh of 8-10 cm, is designed to target large fish species and sharks (3) the JARIFA net is a specific type of gillnet used both offshore, in areas close to the shore and in brackish waters, mesh size between 12 and 25 cm, target: large fish, sharks, gogo, lamatra Chief Fokontany and Fisherman’s Association Control and monitoring DAEP Information and awareness DREF Information on texts and verbalization It is prohibited to use toxic substances intended to stun, weaken or kill fish Product prepared from a species of plant origin known as “fagnamo” Chief Fokontany and Fisherman’s Association Control and monitoring DAEP Information and awareness DREF Information on texts and verbalization It is prohibited to hunt protected marine species Marine protected species such as sea turtles, terns, "lambohara" Chief Fokontany, KMT, Fishermen’s Association, municipality Control, Monitoring and information to the manager and the fishing service Fisheries and Aquaculture Service Information, awareness, verbalization and repression It is prohibited to exploit ovate crabs, soft crabs or crabs less than 10 cm in cephalothoracic width - - - It is prohibited to dump garbage and other waste into marine or lake waters This concerns all villages located by the sea, around lakes and in islets - - All new constructions and/or establishment of new villages and/or hamlets must respect the rule governing the geometric pitch zone all along the LokyManambato coastline This measure makes it possible to limit pollution of coastal ecosystems Chief fokontany, municipality Monitoring, control and information from the manager, the CEF and land services CEF and land services Land, Awareness, control, verbalization and repression Fishing activities and/or the collection of fishery products must first be subject to authorization Any natural or legal person wishing to fish and/or collect fishery products: lobsters, crabs, sea cucumbers, shrimp, camarons, squid, shark fin, fish, eels, may only do so with authorization from the Ministry responsible for fishing. fishing and fishery resources, after advice from the Regional Directorate of Fisheries and Fisheries Resources Chief Fokontany, KMT, municipality Monitoring and control of fishing licenses DRPRH Authorization, control and monitoring