
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 204-217 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 212 according to the year and villages. That is to say during the year 2018 only the villages of Ambavarano and Ambanifilao carried out the cultivation of mangroves (Figure 12(a)) the maximum rate of which is found in the village of Ambavarano. From 2019 the community participation rate increased except in the villages of Antafiamivony and Nosy Ankao (Figure 12(b)) with a zero-participation rate. Figure 8 (a) Dendrogram of grouping of management regulations and (b) CFA graph showing compliance with regulations by Fanamby year 2018 Table 4 Regulations and management by Fanamby