
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 204-217 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 210 Table 3 Minimum size in centimeters (cm) of fished species (Source: Circumscription of Fisheries Resources and Fishing Vohemar 2017) N° Species Minimal length Laws 1 Large fish 12 cm Order 62-2013 Art3 2 Pyrazus palustris (Voronana) 5 cm Order 05/06/1922 3 Fresh sea cucumber 14 cm Order 05/06/1922 4 Dry sea cucumber 8 cm Order 0525 du 05/12/75 Art1 5 Lobsters 20 cm Order 16365/2006 in 22/09/06 6 Crabs 10 cm Order 16365/2006 in 22/09/06 7 Octopuses 40 cm (350 g) Order 16365/2006 in 22/09/06 4.2 Current state of resources Among the villages in the Madagascar northeastern coast, the Fokontany Antsampilay, in particular the villages of Antafiamivony, Ambanifony, Ambanifilao, Ambavarano, Ampasimadera and Nosy Ankao, are still rich in fishery resources illustrated by the presence of various species of fish, crustaceans, Cephalopods, Gastropods, echinoderms etc. However, given the problems listed above, these resources suffer a sudden qualitative and quantitative decrease caused by: Overexploitation using destructive fishing equipment and techniques; The increase in the number of non-native and indigenous fishermen caused by population growth and drought; Failure to respect the closure period so that juveniles can grow; The deficiency of the biological study for the seasonal closure; Neglect of the minimum catch size according to fishing regulations; The insufficiency of the natural stock assessment study; The absence of the local Fisheries Surveillance Center (CSP) to ensure security. 5 Techniques of Managing Fishing And Marine Resources 5.1 Mode of governance within the MPA According to the 2014 PAG of the NGO Fanamby, Protected Areas can be managed and administered in various ways. IUCN provides typologies of management objectives and governance types for Protected Areas to help describe Protected Area systems and to advise governments and other managers developing individual protected areas and management systems (IUCN 2014). With this in mind, the scoring system used was designed to help managers, among other things, assign the appropriate IUCN management category and the right type of governance to a protected area. Based on the IUCN categories and their compatibility with the management objectives of Loky-Manambato, IUCN Category V is the most appropriate. This is confirmed for the following reasons: (i) the protected area includes terrestrial and coastal landscapes which host a multitude of faunal species with very high endemicity, (ii) existence of traditional modes of used space and social organization, (iii) the area offers leisure and tourism opportunities compatible with the lifestyle and usual economic activities of its inhabitants and (iv) sustainable use of resources for purposes other than subsistence is permitted, under certain conditions, And the management objectives go in the direction of: Maintaining harmonious interactions between nature and culture, by protecting the terrestrial and coastal landscape and guaranteeing the maintenance of traditional forms of land use, as well as the expression of socio-cultural facts; Encouragement of lifestyles and economic activities in harmony with nature; Maintaining the diversity of the landscape, habitat, as well as associated species and ecosystems; Provide benefits to the local community and contribute to its well-being. Shared governance is considered the most appropriate for the sustainable management of the LM territory, given that the territory is affected by several sectors and actors. 5.2 Modes of management of fishing and fishery resources 5.2.1 Regulations and management by Fanamby Since its creation in 1987, NGO FANAMBY has distinguished itself in the conservation of natural resources (https://association-fanamby.org/). The Malagasy territory, with its endemic fauna and flora, is a victim of the extent of degradation. It is in the face of this urgency of biodiversity conservation and the Figure against poverty in Madagascar that FANAMBY has been committed for 20 years to granting Protected Area status, following the conservation gradients which include preservation activities. and local and regional development through the