
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 204-217 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 209 As a result, there is a qualitative and quantitative decrease in shrimp in these villages. Fortunately, the presence of manager Fanamby and the training of fishermen which was organized by the Time + Tide Nosy Ankao Foundation during 2018. The result is that fishermen are aware of the existence of the seasonal shrimp closure. Thus, they all subsequently respected this closure until today except the fishermen in the villages of Ampasimadera (Figure 7(a)). The existence of the distances between these villages indicates that they evolved in 2019 (Table 2). Table 2 Weights, distances and square distances to the origin, inertias and relative inertias of the seasonal closure of shrimp year 2019 Villages Weight (relative) Distance Distance² Inertia Relative inertia Antafiamivony 0.2 0.488 0.238 0.04768 0.053 Ambanifony 0.2 0.394 0.155 0.03108 0.035 Ambanifilao 0.2 0.529 0.280 0.05590 0.062 Ambavarano 0.2 0.480 0.231 0.04613 0.051 Ampasimadera 0.2 1.891 3.578 0.71554 0.798 However, the rate of respect differs according to the villages (Figure 7(b)). The Ambanifilao village followed by the Antafiamivony and Ambavarano villages more respect the seasonal shrimp closure. On the other hand, the Ampasimadera fishing village does not always respect the seasonal closure. These villages are grouped by the CAH according to the rate of compliance with the seasonal closure (Figure 7(c)). Figure 7 (a) Rate of compliance, (b) asymmetric graph closure year of (c) CAH Dendrogram for seasonal shrimp 2019 4 Regulation of Catches 4.1 Fishing target species With a view to this law application on the minimum authorized size (Table 3) for fishing with which the Ministry of Fisheries Resources and Fisheries (MAEP 2003; MPRH 2012) has developed fisheries development and management plans in order to ensure the sustainability of resources. Fishermen have an interest in respecting the catch regulations listed by the Ministries in force in order to have sustainable and rational management of fishing resources while ensuring the future of generations. LM-MPA fishermen have never caught sea turtles. Indeed, during the survey and field observation, the fishermen majority from Antsampilay fokontany do not respect the authorized sizes, hence the importance of recycling training or strengthening sustainable management capacities for all LM-MPA fishermen.