
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 204-217 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 208 Figure 5 Rate of compliance with seasonal octopus closures in 2018-2019 Table 1 Weights, distances and quadratic distances to the origin, inertias and relative inertias of the seasonal closure of shrimp year 2018 Villages Weight (relative) Distance Distance² Inertia Relative inertia Antafiamivony 0.202 0.472 0.223 0.04498 0.048 Ambanifony 0.202 0.472 0.223 0.04498 0.048 Ambanifilao 0.194 1.968 3.874 0.74973 0.806 Ambavarano 0.202 0.472 0.223 0.04498 0.048 Ampasimadera 0.202 0.472 0.223 0.04498 0.048 Figure 6 Rate of (a) compliance, (b) asymmetric graph and (c) CAH Dendrogram for seasonal shrimp closure year 2018