
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 204-217 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 207 closure of crabs in 2018. But it is not the case of the Ampasimadera village which respects this period. This leads to the CAH grouping (Figure 4(c)) showing three villages do not respect the seasonal closure constituted in the same group. Figure 4 (a) Rate of compliance with the seasonal period of crabs, (b) asymmetric plot of CFA and (c) CAH Dendrogram for seasonal crab closure 3.2 Opening and closing season foroctopus fishing According to the annual artisanal fishing in the Madagascar northeastern region, the LM-MPA has a specific seasonal closure for octopuses which begins from January 1 to March 15 in 2018 and January 1 to March 1 in 2019. These variations are caused by the lack of scientific studies. Because previously this closure follows Order No. 16.376/2005, regulating octopus fishing which extends from June 1 until July 15, date during which the FPZN certifies that no octopus is only in its juvenile state in its fishing areas. However, they saw the juveniles from January until March, hence the integration of this period into the MIAHARI seasonal calendar of the Madagascar eastern region. Thus, two closures are applied by the FPZN in the LM-MPA, the first of which is the original closure of local management from January to March and the second is a ministerial closure from June to July with compliance rates in two successive years (2018~2019) (Figure 5). 3.3 Opening and closing season for shrimp fishing Failure to respect seasonal shrimp closures is among the major problems linked to the way aquatic resources are exploited in the LM-MPA. Because it leads to a reduction in natural stocks in this environment. According to the calendar of annual fishing closures in the Eastern Region of Madagascar listed by MIHARI, the seasonal closure of shrimp should be between December 1stand March 1st. Despite the unawareness of fishermen, the majority do not respect these closure dates before 2019 (Figure 6(a)). There is no difference in distance to the origin between Antafiamivony, Ambanifony, Ambavarano and Ampasimadera (Table 1). This means that these villages no longer respect the seasonal closure of shrimp in 2018. Thus, they have grouped in the non-compliance rate same point (Figure 6(b)) approved by the CAH grouping (Figure 6(c)). The Ambanifilao village has compliance single group with this closure.