
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 204-217 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 206 Figure 2 Asymmetric graph of the CFA of the minimum size for (a) 2018 and (b) 2019 2.2 Destructive fishing techniques Throughout our LM-MPA study area, the most destructive fishing technique currently detected is“serisery”. This technique is classified as destructive because of the period of use as well as the materials. That is to say, it is practiced at the edge of the “dengy”during the neap by depositing the large mesh nets during the open sea then closed and tightened with small mesh nets by diving with the fishing equipment. diving as well as rifles. As a result, all the fish inside these nets are caught. In our study site the rate of compliance with this technique varies depending on the fishing villages (Figure 3(a)). They are grouped according to use (Figure 3(b)). The compliance rate with the serisery usage in the Ambanifony and Ampasimadera villages are higher (100%) compared to the other villages. On the other hand, Ambanifilao is a village most using this technique whose compliance rate was 58.33% in 2018 and decreased to 50% in 2019. These are confirmed by the CFA graph (Figure 3(a)) whose Classification Ascending Hierarchical (CAH) dendrogram is presented (Figure 3(b)). Figure 3 (a) Asymmetric plot and (b) CAH Dendrogram of serisery usage The latter groups the villages according to the use of serisery. That is to say, the Ambanifony and Ampasimadera villages form the same group that most respect the use of this destructive fishing technique by transforming another group with the Nosy-Ankao village. On the contrary for the other group, the Antafiamivony and Ambavarano villages combine with Ambanifilao (Figure 3(a)). 3 Seasonal Fishing Closures 3.1 Opening and closing season for crab fishing According to the calendar listed by MIHARI (Figure 4(a)), the crab seasonal closure is between July 1st and August 31st. The females can spawn and juveniles can breed. Despite the non-existence of mangrove forests in all study areas, some villages such as Ambanifilao and Nosy Ankao are not affected by the seasonal closure of crabs. On the other hand, for the other villages, the rate of compliance with the seasonal closure of crabs is almost zero except Ampasimadera (Figure 4(b)). This situation is confirmed by the CFA (Figure 4(b)) of three villages Antafiamivony, Ambanifony and Ambavarano which are all in the non- compliance point with the seasonal