
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 193-203 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 198 equipped with advanced sonar systems, cameras, and sensors, allowing for detailed geological and biological surveys (Crawford et al., 2022). Figure 1 Sensing mechanisms of the salinity optic fiber sensors (OFSs) (Adopted from Li et al., 2023) Image caption: (a) Structure of the composite reflection probe; (b) Structure and sensing mechanism of the two-channel SPR sensor based on HCF; (c) Schematic of the EC-MOF sensor; (d) Schematic diagram of the SPR-based optical fiber sensor (Adopted from Li et al., 2023) Figure 2 A typical setup of a beam forming system (Adopted from Mantovani et al., 2020) Image caption: The photos show the antennas placement of a WERA system on the island of Wangerooge at the German coast of the North Sea. The receive antenna array (Rx) is shown on the left-hand side and the transmit array (Tx) on the right hand side, respectively. The bottom panel shows a typical direction finding HF radar system setup for the low frequency (4, 5, and 9 MHz) bands (left hand side). To the right, the SeaSonde installed at Matxitxako Cape (northern coast of Spain) (Adopted from Mantovani et al., 2020)