
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 182-192 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 187 6.2 Long-term observational data Long-term observational data are essential for understanding the historical trends and future projections of coastal circulation. In the Zero river basin (ZRB) and Palude di Cona (PDC) coastal ecosystem in the lagoon of Venice, Italy, an ensemble of ten global-regional climate model projections was used to assess the impacts of climate change on hydrological and ecological parameters. The study found significant seasonal variations in nutrient loadings and phytoplankton composition, with a notable increase in cyanobacteria during the summer. These findings underscore the importance of using multiple climate model projections to capture the range of possible future conditions and their impacts on coastal ecosystems (Pesce et al., 2019). 6.3 Model projections of future changes Model projections are vital for predicting future changes in coastal circulation and their potential impacts. The Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) has been extensively studied using a range of models, from earth system models of intermediate complexity (EMICs) to fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs). These models have shown that the THC is likely to weaken significantly in response to freshwater input, with associated changes in surface air temperature and shifts in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The robustness of these projections across different models highlights the potential for significant changes in coastal circulation patterns due to climate change (Stouffer et al., 2006). By examining case studies from different regions, leveraging long-term observational data, and utilizing model projections, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms driving coastal circulation and their responses to climate change. This knowledge is crucial for developing effective management strategies to mitigate the impacts on coastal ecosystems and communities. 7 Ecological and societal impacts 7.1 Effects on marine ecosystems Climate change significantly impacts marine ecosystems through various mechanisms, including temperature changes, ocean acidification, and alterations in ocean circulation. These changes affect species distributions, physiology, and ecosystem functioning. For instance, temperature and wave energy are critical drivers of ecological responses, influencing the abundance and distribution of coastal benthic macrofauna (Hewitt et al., 2016). Additionally, changes in ocean chemistry, such as acidification, may be more critical than temperature changes for the performance and survival of many marine organisms. Ocean circulation changes, which affect larval transport and population dynamics, also play a crucial role in these ecosystems (Gennip et al., 2017). The interactions between climate variables and additional anthropogenic stressors, such as fishing pressure, further complicate the ecological consequences of climate change. 7.2 Implications for coastal communities The impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems have profound implications for coastal communities that rely on these systems for their livelihoods, food security, and cultural practices. Changes in species distributions and ecosystem functioning can disrupt fisheries and aquaculture, leading to economic and social challenges. Furthermore, the alteration of ocean circulation patterns can affect the availability of marine resources, influencing the economic stability of coastal communities (Gennip et al., 2017). The synergistic effects of climate change and other anthropogenic pressures necessitate a comprehensive understanding of these dynamics to develop effective management and conservation strategies. 7.3 Adaptation and mitigation strategies To address the challenges posed by climate change, coastal communities and policymakers must implement adaptation and mitigation strategies. Coastal wetlands, such as seagrasses, tidal marshes, and mangroves, are recognized as effective long-term carbon sinks and play a crucial role in climate mitigation (Howard et al., 2017). Expanding climate mitigation strategies to include other components of coastal and marine systems, such as coral reefs, phytoplankton, kelp forests, and marine fauna, could enhance the effectiveness of these efforts (Howard et al., 2017). Additionally, improving predictive frameworks to manage and conserve living marine systems in the face of climate change is essential. This includes identifying key demographic transitions, predicting