
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 162-171 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 165 bottom-up regulation of a pelagic community in Hawaii reveals that spatial aggregations, rather than total biomass, are significant predictors of variation in adjacent trophic levels, demonstrating the importance of patch dynamics in regulating ecosystem structure (Benoit et al., 2012). Additionally, the use of modern 3D mapping technologies to characterize the spatial and temporal variation in biogenic reef habitats provides insights into how dynamic structural changes at the colony scale can result in stable habitat structures over larger scales (Jackson-Bué et al., 2021). 4.3 Modeling approaches Modeling approaches play a crucial role in understanding the interactions between spatial and temporal dynamics in marine ecosystems. The use of reaction-diffusion equations to model phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions provides a theoretical framework for understanding patchiness in marine environments (Chakraborty and Manthena, 2015). The development of the SEAPODYM model, which incorporates habitat indices, movements, and natural mortality based on empirical evidence, allows for the simulation of spatial dynamics of tuna populations and their responses to environmental changes. Moreover, the integration of spatial-temporal data into food web models, as demonstrated in the NF-UBC Nereus Program, offers a promising step toward interdisciplinary model interoperability, enhancing the ability to include species distribution models and food web dynamics in ecosystem analysis (Giner, 2017). These modeling approaches are essential for predicting ecosystem responses to various environmental and anthropogenic factors, thereby aiding in the effective management and conservation of marine ecosystems. 5 Ecological Implications 5.1 Biodiversity and ecosystem health The spatial and temporal dynamics of marine ecosystems in tropical oceans have profound implications for biodiversity and ecosystem health. Studies have shown that habitat structure significantly influences ecological interactions and ecosystem functions. For instance, the structural complexity of biogenic reefs, such as those formed by Sabellaria alveolata, plays a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem resilience by providing varied microhabitats and influencing species interactions (Jackson-Bué et al., 2021). Additionally, the spatial heterogeneity and structural complexity of habitats can mediate herbivory effects, thereby promoting species diversity and stability in algal metacommunities (Srednick et al., 2023). The temporal turnover of species assemblages, which varies with ecosystem size and geographical gradients, also affects biodiversity. Faster turnover rates in tropical regions suggest a dynamic and resilient ecosystem capable of adapting to environmental changes (Korhonen et al., 2010). 5.2 Productivity and trophic interactions Marine ecosystems' productivity and trophic interactions are deeply intertwined with their spatial and temporal dynamics. The global connectivity of marine fish food webs highlights the importance of trophic interactions in maintaining ecosystem productivity. Coastal food webs, in particular, exhibit greater interaction redundancy, which enhances their robustness to species extinction and perturbations (Albouy et al., 2019). The spatial structure of marine food webs, including the distribution of trophic interactions, is influenced by sea surface temperature and tends to peak towards the tropics, indicating higher productivity in these regions. Furthermore, the dynamics of fish diversity across different coastal habitats and seasons reveal that taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity are influenced by seasonal changes, which in turn affect ecosystem functioning and productivity (Silva et al., 2021). 5.3 Resilience and adaptation The resilience and adaptation of marine ecosystems are closely linked to their spatial and temporal dynamics. The ability of ecosystems to maintain stability and function despite environmental changes is partly due to the spatial and temporal variation in habitat structure and species interactions (Figure 2). For example, the dynamic structural changes in biogenic reefs, such as the accretion and erosion patterns observed in Sabellaria alveolata colonies, contribute to the overall stability of the reef habitat over larger spatial and temporal scales. Additionally, the spatial structure and dynamics of marine food webs, including the coexistence of interacting species in heterogeneous environments, play a crucial role in the persistence of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience