
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 162-171 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 163 2 Spatial Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems 2.1 Distribution patterns of marine species The spatial distribution of marine species is influenced by a variety of factors, including habitat type, environmental conditions, and biological interactions. For instance, the spatial distribution of fish species in tropical coastal ecosystems varies significantly across different habitats such as mangroves, seagrass beds, and sandy beaches, with distinct patterns observed between dry and rainy seasons (Silva et al., 2021). Similarly, the distribution of protist communities in the ocean shows clear vertical stratification, with the highest metabolic activity observed in the mesopelagic layer (Giner, 2017). The spatial distribution of marine species is also shaped by historical geological events, such as the breakup of Gondwana, which has influenced the current biodiversity patterns of tropical reefs (Leprieur et al., 2016). 2.2 Habitat heterogeneity and zonation Habitat heterogeneity plays a crucial role in shaping the spatial structure of marine ecosystems. In tropical macroalgae meadows, the quality and connectivity of local habitats significantly influence the community structure of reef fishes (Lier et al., 2018). The spatial heterogeneity of physical factors, such as salinity and organic matter content, also contributes to the spatial structure of benthic species in coastal lagoons (Morelos-Villegas wt al., 2018). Additionally, the spatial structure of pelagic ecosystems is characterized by large-scale horizontal distribution patterns of ecophysiological rate parameters, which are not smoothly continuous but rather piecewise continuous, leading to the formation of distinct ecological provinces. 2.3 Factors influencing spatial distribution Several factors influence the spatial distribution of marine species, including environmental conditions, biological interactions, and historical events. For example, the spatial distribution of marine food webs is influenced by the energy and material transfer across ecosystem boundaries, as well as local interactions and spatial heterogeneity (Melián et al., 2005). In pelagic ecosystems, the frequency and intensity of spatial aggregations, rather than total biomass, are significant predictors of variation in adjacent trophic levels. Additionally, the spatial distribution of zooplankton is influenced by social interactions, leading to the formation of spatial patterns such as swarms and schools (Verdy, 2008). The spatial distribution of marine species is also affected by habitat-specific factors, such as water salinity and sediment composition, which explain a significant portion of the variance in species abundance 3 Temporal Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems 3.1 Seasonal variations Seasonal variations in marine ecosystems are driven by changes in environmental conditions such as temperature, light availability, and nutrient concentrations. These variations significantly influence the distribution and abundance of marine species. For instance, phytoplankton and zooplankton populations exhibit periodic oscillations due to seasonal changes in diffusion coefficients and local reactions, leading to patchiness in their spatial distribution (Chakraborty and Manthena, 2015). Additionally, the dynamics of coral communities also show seasonal patterns, where disturbances prevent ecological equilibrium at smaller scales, but larger biogeographic scales reveal more stable community structures (Pandolfi, 2002). 3.2 Long-term changes and trends Long-term changes in marine ecosystems are often linked to persistent environmental shifts and anthropogenic impacts. Studies have shown that coral community structures have remained relatively stable over tens of thousands of years, but recent massive degradation of coral reef habitats suggests unprecedented changes likely due to human activities (Pandolfi, 2002). Similarly, the spatial dynamics of tuna populations in the Pacific Ocean, modeled over monthly resolutions, reveal significant long-term trends influenced by bio-physical environmental changes and fishing pressures (Lehodey et al., 2008). These long-term trends are crucial for understanding the persistence and resilience of marine ecosystems.