
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 245-254 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 253 cucumber farming, providing significant livelihood benefits to coastal communities. Developing practical and economically sound release methods, such as chute release techniques, can lead to higher recovery rates and better growth performance, making sea ranching a more reliable and profitable venture. Understanding the biophysical and human factors influencing site suitability can guide the establishment of successful sea ranching operations, ensuring long-term sustainability. Future research should focus on several key areas to further optimize sea ranching techniques for tropical sea cucumber aquaculture. More comprehensive studies are needed to identify the biophysical and human factors determining the suitability of potential sea ranching sites, including understanding the interactions between environmental conditions and sea cucumber survival and growth. Investigating best practices for acclimating hatchery-reared juveniles to natural environments before release can help reduce initial mortality rates and improve overall survival. Continued exploration of different release methods, including refining chute and cage techniques, can provide insights into the most effective strategies for various environmental conditions. Researching the evolution of governance structures in community-based sea ranching projects can offer valuable lessons on balancing operational efficiency with equitable livelihood outcomes. Finally, studying the ecological impacts of sea cucumber aquaculture and ranching is essential to ensure these practices do not adversely affect marine ecosystems, including monitoring interactions between aquaculture farms and wild organisms. Addressing these research areas can advance the optimization of sea ranching techniques, promoting sustainable and profitable sea cucumber aquaculture in tropical regions. Acknowledgments The authors appreciate the two anonymous peer reviewers for their detailed review and valuable comments on this manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. 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