
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 134-154 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 151 Table 3 List of fish exploited in the rural municipality of Ampisikinana Family Scientific names Local name ACANTHURIDAE Naso unicornis Fiatandroko BALISTIDAE Balistapus undulatus Angotra BATOIDAE Pateobatisfai Makoba CARANGIDAE Trachinotusfalcatus Batola andrian.doham.bato Caranx heberi Batola Oligoplites palomata Talantala CHAETODONTIDAE Chaetodon rainfordi Takobatra Chaetodon trifasciatus Tatangy GERREIDAE Gerres oyena Fiampotsy GOBIIDAE Boleopthalmuspoti Ambanilakana HAEMULIDAE Plectorhinchus gibbosus Tsimitsao Plectorhinchus gaterinus Tsimitsao HEMIRAMPHIDAE Hemiramphusfar Antseraka HOLOCENTRIDAE Myripristis pralinia Dangereux LABRIDAE Centrolabrus exoletus Tabaka lava vava Halichoereshortulanus Tabaka lavavava Cheilio inermis Samy miarony aigniny LETHRINIDAE Lethrinusarboineusis Menahisa Lethrinus letjan Menaheliky Lethrinus absoletus Ambitsy Lethrinus harak Mandriantohogno Lethrinus olivaceus Ambitry lava vava LUTJANIDAE Lutjanus erythropterus Tsivarivaragna Lutjanusfulviflamma Karangamena Lutjanus buccanella Fiamena Lutjanus kasmira Karangamisoritry MULLIDAE Parupeneusfraserorum Mondrazy SCARIDAE Scarus chameleon Tabaka Scarusfuscopurpureus Tabaka Scarus russelii Tabaka SIGANIDAE Siganus sutor Henjy SERRANIDAE Epinephelusfuscoguttatus Alovo SPHYRENIDAE Sphyraena barracuda Janogno POMACENTRIDAE Abudebduf abdominalis Tible 4.2.3 Management transfer to local fishermen Given that the local management of communities has effects on the sustainable management of resources, it is important for the manager to transfer management to the Fishermen's Associations within the villages in the Loky. Manambato MPA by strengthening their capacities in sustainable management and rational use of resources through the training of fishermen in all coastal villages. 4.2.4 Product circuit Before setting up the management control and surveillance system, it is necessary to know the product circuits in these study areas in order to check whether the fishermen respect the minimum size as well as the seasonal closure of fishing without poaching aquatic resources. Since compliance with these regulations ensures the regeneration of resources. This sales circuit for these products in the fokontany of Antsampilay (Figure 19). We notice that the products of fishermen in our study area follow 2 types of circuits: A short circuit, that is to say the production of fishermen goes directly to consumers; A long circuit, it starts from the fishermen, then the products are bought by the local collectors and they sell to the city collectors and finally the latter sell them to