
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-73 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 70 2.1 DNA and cellular damage caused by nuclear pollution DNA and cellular damage caused by nuclear pollution in marine organisms have widespread effects on their survival and reproduction. Radioactive isotopes such as uranium, strontium, iodine, and radon, when released into the ocean, interact directly or indirectly with cells and DNA through their radioactive radiation, leading to DNA and cellular damage. Direct DNA damage includes DNA strand breaks, base damage, and cross-linking between DNA strands. These damages may result in the incomplete DNA molecules and mutations in genetic information, posing a severe threat to the normal functioning of cells. Furthermore, radioactive radiation may lead to the accumulation of DNA damage, exerting long-term effects on the genetic material within cells. Indirect DNA damage involves free radicals or oxidative stress induced by radioactive isotopes. These free radicals can trigger oxidative damage, including oxidative damage, phosphodiesters, and DNA strand breaks. Oxidative damage poses a serious threat to the integrity and stability of cellular DNA, thereby affecting the normal functioning of cells. Cellular damage not only includes DNA damage caused by nuclear radiation but also involves other essential components within cells. Damage to mitochondria may hinder cellular energy production, affecting cellular metabolism (Pei et al., 2023). Damage to the cell membrane may disrupt the balance between the internal and external environment, thereby interfering with cell function. These cellular damages not only threaten the health of individuals but may also lead to damage at the tissue and organ levels. DNA and cellular damage caused by nuclear pollution in marine organisms may result in genetic mutations, cell death, cellular dysfunction, and metabolic abnormalities. These effects may ultimately lead to a reduction in marine organism populations, ecosystem imbalance, and a decrease in biodiversity. In order to maintain the health and stability of marine ecosystems, as well as reduce the ecological risks of nuclear pollution, scientists and policymakers need to gain a deeper understanding of the DNA and cellular damage caused by nuclear pollution and its physiological response mechanisms. This will aid in implementing measures to reduce the sources of nuclear pollution and implementing appropriate protection and management measures to safeguard marine organisms from harm. 2.2 Regulation of gene expression and protein synthesis in marine organisms exposed to nuclear pollution Nuclear pollution has profound effects on the gene expression and protein synthesis of marine organisms. These effects are realized through various complex molecular mechanisms, encompassing multiple levels such as the regulation of gene expression and protein synthesis (Chen, 2021). The radiation energy released by radioactive isotopes in nuclear pollution directly interacts with the DNA molecules of living organisms, causing DNA damage. This includes DNA strand breaks, base damage, and cross-linking between DNA strands. These damages not only affect the integrity of DNA but may also trigger intracellular DNA repair mechanisms, leading to upregulation of gene expression related to DNA repair. Furthermore, radioactive radiation induced by nuclear pollution triggers oxidative stress reactions, generating reactive oxygen species and other oxidizing substances. This may influence the expression of genes related to oxidative stress within cells, such as antioxidant enzymes and genes involved in clearing reactive oxygen species. The regulation of the expression of these genes is crucial for maintaining oxidative balance within cells, but it may be disrupted under nuclear pollution conditions. Nuclear pollution may impact the expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation, affecting cell division and proliferation. These effects can lead to changes in cell growth limitation, differentiation, and proliferation. Cell cycle regulation is a crucial aspect of gene expression, and changes in gene expression associated with nuclear pollution may have widespread effects on cell function and characteristics. In terms of protein synthesis regulation, nuclear pollution also influences the translation process. This includes affecting the translation rate and protein levels by modulating the activity of translation factors or altering the structure of RNA molecules. Translation is a key step in protein synthesis, and changes in translation regulation induced by nuclear pollution may result in alterations in the synthesis levels of proteins. Nuclear pollution may also affect post-translational modifications of proteins. This includes modifications such as phosphorylation,