
International Journal of Marine Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 134-154 http://www.aquapublisher.com/index.php/ijms 149 Figure 17 (a) White rudder g.Gerres after capture and (b) fish abundance in the study sites Based on the identified marine biological species, the regulation perspectives on Loky-Manambato MPA fishing activities and recommendations are indicated in the next subsection. 4.2 Regulation perspectives and recommendations on Loky-Manambato MPA fishing activities 4.2.1 Establishment of DINAs and sanctions In order to improve the management system in the Loky-Manambato MPA, it is recommended to put in place different DINAs followed by sanctions for all fishing villages. These DINAs will be carried out based on the ideas of fishermen in order to facilitate the method of monitoring fishing by avoiding conflicts between fishermen and managers. 4.2.2 Standardization and approvals of DINA Before releasing the regional DINAs, it is essential to standardize all the DINAs and sanctions by the general assembly of the Fishermen's Associations in this environment with the municipal advisors in order to have issued the municipal decree. Then, the municipal DINAs will have to be approved by the Court of this region in order to have control of the equality of these DINAs in relation to the laws which constitute the mode of management of the resources of the Malagasy state. Finally, after the approval of these DINAs, all fishermen's associations will be able to apply them according to the sanctions.